Gym advice

Five weeks later, I have....

- Increased my bench by nearly 40lbs
- Lost about 8lbs of chubbiness (though my actual weight hasn't gone down much at all, due to the fact that....)
- arms and pecs actually bulge now when I flex
- Increased my ability to complete everyday tasks without sweating my balls off
- Improved my diet immensely (I don't want to ruin my workout by eating shitty food)
- And, most importantly, increased my confidence with the ladies

As far as the drinking thing goes, I *have* gotten toasted a couple of times, but those were sorta special occasions in which I would have been dumb not to (NYC, camping, etc.). Moderation is where it's at, my friends!

Good to hear man. The feeling I have for the whole day after a good workout is as good/better than being drunk to be honest.
Hell yeah! Fuckin' EXCELLENT stress reducer. I feel, like, calm* for the rest of the evening.

The fiance and I went out to the park and played tennis today for the first time since winter. Fun, but I can already tell that my shoulder's going to be hurting tomorrow. I'll be elated when it's cool enough to start skating again.

Random wall climbing ftw, btw!


Once a week pertaining to what exactly?

Squats, squats, and squat some more. Practice your form and make sure you go low enough. Don't be one of them 1/4 squat idiots I see all the time thinking they are actually getting something done.

I've been lurking this forum on and off for way too long now and I just registered literally to quote this one post.

Also everything about eating a shitload and doing heavy barbell compound lifts is right on point. No pain no gain and all that bullshit. Oly lifting is pretty awesome too if you can find somewhere to train it (properly e.g. not the majority of Crossfit 'boxes').
I've gotten to the point where I can run nonstop for 40+ minutes, which is a HUGE leap for me. Skinny again. Gettin' buff. Life is good.

(though I'm back to eating bad, cheap food again :erk:)
I've never understood why people do this to themselves. It seems there are two reasons to body build; health or aesthetics. The above is neither. Not quite sure I get it.

The third reason would be to compete. It's a sport. But honestly most bodybuilders don't look like this guy.