How Much You Bench?

Im good bro. Just got my check up last month. And like I said, I was laughing at the team. Laughing is good for the soul and blood pressure
Maybe you SwedeDudes are more advanced than we are and that’s cool, that’s cool…..

but you gotta realize us Gen Xers who work for a living are sick of being told we are oppressors of everyone else
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but you gotta realize us Gen Xers who work for a living are sick of being told we are oppressors of everyone else
well if nothing else, you Gen Xers who work for a living sure are fast to condemn those who don't fit your mould

It's sports. Its fun & games, playing and shit. It's kinda sick that it's such a Big Deal imo but let those who run and jump and throw and whatever do their thing and you do yours
Yeah I agree. It’s sports. It’s not a platform for anyone to be cramming their agenda down everyone else throats and pretending they’re “oppressed”

making matters worse, these athletes suck. People used to be badass; now it’s just a bunch of pussies
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It's sports. Its fun & games, playing and shit.

totally agreed! lets leave the bullshit politics and protests out of it, and just concentrate on running, throwing and kicking!

it's why i had a hard time getting behind any team in the NFL and NBA, which have been poisoned with that crap. Luckily, baseball hasn't been infected too much.

now, if these were broadcasting the NFL or NBA games, I'd watch all the time:

I finally watched 3 mins. Some 14 year old chink who looked like a boy doing dives. Hopefully the CCP dont off her.

The fact that it’s sports is THE point.

Stay in your lane, HellMike.

Preach brutha. What tf is up with Swedes? These fuggs need to be airlifted to Fenway next time the Sox play the Yanks.

Can only imagine them in the stands at a Raiders game. Nothing being said here is "overboard." Pretty mild criticisms if anything, and thats only because nobody gives af about any of these sports lulz.