Gym advice

And this is why I stick with about 100 mg of caffeine and basic vassal dilators and stay away from the herbal speed.
Have you ever checked your blood pressure after taking that?

Not on ephedrine, but I have checked it after taking other supps, and it was fine. 25mg it's pretty damn moderate bro, most people on these EC stacks are taking 75mg a day in order to cut weight, and they're A OK. Just drink plenty of water and dont play footabll in 110 degree heat. A few fucktards killed it for everyone 10 years back. Now DMAA on the other hand, I'm not too sure on that supplement being healthy. It makes you feel like a god for the few hours, then depression kicks in. I've only felt this way when I was alone though. In the company of others, just too occupied to feel glum. But that one time, oh boy that one time, I felt like jumping off a bridge legit. Thar tried half a pill once and felt the same way. Probably a good idea to ban that poor man's bath salt.
Been working out almost every day, doing a shitload of cardio and alternating between chest/shoulders/arms on the weights. I've only been doing this for about 2 weeks, but I feel GREAT and I'm already seeing positive results. I've also avoided bad food and alcoholic beverages. By getting my workout done early in the day, it makes me somehow more productive in everything else I do. Got a great job lined up, along with a possible publisher. I've started writing my new book. I've reconnected with old friends and made some new ones. I'm going to NYC on Monday on a booty call. I'm completely confident, and I feel like I'm finally getting my shit together.

I don't know why I didn't do this sooner.
i'd like to do something similar and really need to drop like 40lbs minimum ... I don't care about being ripped or toned ... just need to lose weight and look suave.
6'7" ... currently 280 freaking lbs. ... want to be down to like 220-240

gym is not for me ... diet I can do and outdoor exorcises.

thanks guys ... i'll ask my mom.
Doomsniffah, i'm thinking of starting legs, not go crazy heavy but get some toning I guess, what would you recommend? And i'm thinking maybe do it just on the weekend, I wanna start swimming on the weekends as well to take a break from lifting, is once a week enough? Give thy some advice!
buy a bike. seriously.

my legs even after 4-5 years of not riding still look like Armstrong. (used to ride for years 80-100 miles a week sometime)
people are in awe of them especially since they are on the same body as my upper half.
oh im sure there are PLENTY of things you have to do/have done that are pretty 'gay' from a civilian/social standpoint

(thanks for your service :tickled:)
Keepin' up my workout routine. Ya know, in case anyone objects at my wedding or something. They'll be met with 5 feet and 9 inches of pure, non-roid rage! :loco:


Need some more weights though. That might be going on the Target registry very shortly!