
Mar 21, 2010
New York
Yeah, so I quoted Mass Effect 2, sue me :lol: It's such an awesome line when Grunt roars it, and it pretty much perfectly sums up how I feel right now, cuz I just finished a particularly invigorating workout and am on a massive endorphin (and testosterone :D) rush. Man, I haven't had one this intense in awhile, I hit that pain barrier on my third squat set and then just got this rush to push out 4 more reps, I was honestly possessed by the urge to roar my way through them, it felt amazing (the perks of working out at home, with no one home), and it continued through the rest of he workout. No doubt the Dymatize Xpand contributed :kickass:

So yeah, lifting kicks ass, and I'm currently at 185 lbs. (5'11"), and while I've got a bit of squish around the midsection, to put it in perspective, I know that if I dropped 10 lbs. I'd be at most 5% bf. Yeah, I'm bragging a bit, eat it, I've been slaving over this for months :D And honestly, one thing that's really helped me make gains is dropping the weight slightly so I can do 8-12 reps per set, rather than 5-7 (8 sets for chest, back, and quads, 6 for the others), I find when it's too much weight I can't push myself to bang out those extra reps (which is really where the growth happens) cuz I'm just too strained. It's worked for me anyway!
squads & deadlift seperate the boys from the men ;)
Didn't have enough time for working out these days, but I allready miss it.
Keep it up man!
I'm about to freak out today myself.
I'm up to about 230lbs and I'm officially 6'3 haha.

I'm the biggest and leanest I've ever been.
My deadlift is up to about 500 and I feel great. My program has been consistently kicking ass and I'm stoked.

I'm about to freak out today myself.
I'm up to about 230lbs and I'm officially 6'3 haha.

I'm the biggest and leanest I've ever been.
My deadlift is up to about 500 and I feel great. My program has been consistently kicking ass and I'm stoked.


its alsways fun to see the bar bend when the big guys lift or squad 500lbs+
always looks so unreal hahaha
I need to get my diet in place so I can do so I can bulk up a bit as well.

Don't have a job at the moment though so spending so much money on food is a no no, anybody have any sly ways of bulking on the cheap?
Skinny Viking you will be surprised on how ripped you can get with bodyweight exercises. Of course if you mix them with compound exercises with wheights you will get result a lot quicker. I quit the gym near my home cuz i was in good shape and wasn`t interested in getting more ripped and shit......just didnt see the point. So i started doing different kind of push ups , pull ups,crunches and stuff and i gainned more muscle than going to the gym WTF ( maybe my body adapted to the gym routine and needed a change)

this video will bring the brootz , i can do 5 sets of 12 of that pull up on 0:20 :D Fuck gym memberships , ghetto workout for the lulz¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
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Tony, those stats sound truly terrifying dude, nicely done :lol: And yeah, I'm no powerlifter, but I bust my ass and always really push it to the absolute limit with the amount I can lift, so that's good enough for me! And yeah, I've factored pullups and pushups into my back and cheat routines (respectively), big fan of calisthenics (though the wide-grip, palm-forward pullups are ridiculously hard, I can usually only do 4 per set, going all the way down each time of course)
Tony, those stats sound truly terrifying dude, nicely done :lol: And yeah, I'm no powerlifter, but I bust my ass and always really push it to the absolute limit with the amount I can lift, so that's good enough for me! And yeah, I've factored pullups and pushups into my back and cheat routines (respectively), big fan of calisthenics (though the wide-grip, palm-forward pullups are ridiculously hard, I can usually only do 4 per set, going all the way down each time of course)

For me, the super wide grip pullups don't hit the belly of the lat as well as a more medium grip. I can get a better stretch and I feel it more, so I wouldn't be too concerned about the super wides.

My top five exercises EVER.

Push press.

Pullups create the real assassins.
Good work Mr. Hedwig. As long as you haul ass all the "go heavy " BS IS just bs.
Getting into a relationship has been absolutely disastrous towards my workout routine and diet. And I'm struggling to get back in shape. The muscle mass is still there for the most part but I've gotten way to fat.
Skinny Viking you will be surprised on how ripped you can get with bodyweight exercises. Of course if you mix them with compound exercises with wheights you will get result a lot quicker. I quit the gym near my home cuz i was in good shape and wasn`t interested in getting more ripped and shit......just didnt see the point. So i started doing different kind of push ups , pull ups,crunches and stuff and i gainned more muscle than going to the gym WTF ( maybe my body adapted to the gym routine and needed a change)

this video will bring the brootz , i can do 5 sets of 12 of that pull up on 0:20 :D Fuck gym memberships , ghetto workout for the lulz¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

oh I hear ya dude .. I was just fuckin around. I used to look like an anorexic action figure. Now I'm just lanky ... a bit squishy but my metabolism is still at a point where if I did like a modest amount of pushups each day (like 50-100) and a couple little things here and there with some running ... I'd be super cut in a very short amount of time. And I absolutely agree with you about gyms ... ghetto is very effective. I've also never tried to lift for size. My body won't hold it unless I push myself everyday and I'm just not that into the idea. Most I ever weighed was like 175-180 lbs (I'm about 5'10") but it was with hardly any fat on me at all.

I've been thinking about starting something up again. More for health benefits. I don't feel as limber as I used to