I'm just not getting this at all...


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
...am I the only one on this forum that thinks Mastadon's Crack the Skye is utter boredom? :zombie: Honestly, the music just sounds like a bunch of racket to me, having no melody, and doesn't ever really go anywhere. Not to mention, the singer is below average. I know, I know, this is simply my opinion, but it blows me away how many people have this album listed in their top picks for 2009.

I have seen this band twice, and never saw the appeal.
They got some good jams, but nothing that made me purchase a disc.

For some reason, they generated so much hype that they have everyone from hipsters to even cult metal fans claiming them to be the best thing since sliced bread.

To be honest, I like The Sword more than these guys.
I had made the same comment to a friend of mine the other day. I figured there must be a reason it's on everybody's best-of list. I checked them out and they didn't do much for me. But I am going to give this band another chance one day. Listening to an MP3 on a computer is not the same as cranking up a CD in my car.
...am I the only one on this forum that thinks Mastadon's Crack the Skye is utter boredom? :zombie: Honestly, the music just sounds like a bunch of racket to me, having no melody, and doesn't ever really go anywhere. Not to mention, the singer is below average. I know, I know, this is simply my opinion, but it blows me away how many people have this album listed in their top picks for 2009.


There's some really interesting music that is coming out that is instrumentally interesting, but with very below average vocals. I 'get' Mastodon, and it is one of my top 5 of the year, it's got a breath of originality and I feel it dips its toes in the Prog Metal genre a bit. Now, Baroness, a band that is arguably in the same genre, has horrifyingly bad vox.
I never enjoyed Mastodon on disc, until Crack the Skye. And while I also feel the vocals are a bit on the weak side, they fit the rough exterior of the music quite nicely. Overall, I find the new disc much more compelling than most of what's discussed in these parts.

Now, Baroness, a band that is arguably in the same genre, that band, while instrumentally exciting, has horrifyingly bad vox.

mëtålspëd;8820260 said:
I think Mastadon is one of the most overrated bands out there.

I agree.

To be honest, I like The Sword more than these guys.

My thoughts exactly! I'd 10 times rather listen to The Sword.

Listening to an MP3 on a computer is not the same as cranking up a CD in my car.

I've owned a couple of these guy's albums, plus I've listened to Crack the Skye several times through. Trust me, I'm not feelin' it.

I 'get' Mastodon, and it is one of my top 5 of the year, it's got a breath of originality and I feel it dips its toes in the Prog Metal genre a bit.

I'm not getting the originality out of it whatsoever. Mmmm, how do you figure they dip their toes in Prog Metal?

I never enjoyed Mastodon on disc, until Crack the Skye. And while I also feel the vocals are a bit on the weak side, they fit the rough exterior of the music quite nicely. Overall, I find the new disc much more compelling than most of what's discussed in these parts.


Listen, I like Motorhead for God's sake, so I can appreciate "not so pretty" vox to coincide with rough exterior music. :lol: With that said, Mastodon's music simply sounds generic and boring to me. It surprises me that you'd give this band more than two listens at best.

Edgeofthorns: Which bands does Mastodon sound so alike as to call generic? And please let me know who was doing it before them.

Perhaps you didn't listen to the music very closely, as it seems to deserve, because everytime I listen to it I hear something new. The melodies are excellent, and I love how they incorporate the sounds of King Crimson into the 'sludge'.
i think to truly "get" Mastodon you need to see the progression of the band over their last 4 albums. I mean some of you guys may not get it, but each time they release an album it's on most press and critics top 20 of the year. this cannot be just because they are Mastodon, it's because people enjoy what they do. i am getting used to the clean singing, as i always thought the harsh vocals fit their style better, but hey i understand why bands change over time because they need a change creatively. but if you listen to Remission, Leviathan, Blood Mountain and then Crack The Skye you will see a definite growth within the band, which i think is why people dig them so much because they continue to alter their formula each time. plus a concept record about Rasputin?! c'mon doesn't get anymore prog than that?!! hahaha.

but as far as dipping into progressive metal, they definitely do, just not in the usual ways. they are progressive just as a band like Riverside are progressive even though it can be argued they aren't.
just my opinion of course.
People have different opinions. I hate Savatage, but you don't see me making threads about it. :p :p

i agree, i love Savatage don't get me wrong, but i do think they are one of the most overrated bands on this board. again, not being a hater just an interesting thing i noted here.

like i love the early years, but i cannot stand the Zack era at all. so that is always a blemish on their career for me.

although nothing rocks harder than Power Of The Night!
This is one of those albums I just can't understand anybody NOT liking...easily one of my favorites of all-time.

As for the vocals being weak: Troy and Brent never really did clean singing like they did on CtS on any of their earlier albums. So they're still new to the game. I'm sure they will improve with time.