I'm kinda lost


Apr 6, 2004
SLC Utah
I've lost my way in life. I have no one to talk to about it.

Not sure what I'm doing.

I'm in a kind of stagnant rut. :erk: I have no idea why I'm bugging you guys here about this. I know this isn't the place really...

I'm sure I'll be alright... like I said, I'm in a rut.
Xerofall said:
I've lost my way in life. I have no one to talk to about it.
Not sure what I'm doing.
I'm in a kind of stagnant rut. :erk: I have no idea why I'm bugging you guys here about this. I know this isn't the place really...
I'm sure I'll be alright... like I said, I'm in a rut.
Sure, it can be the place, and I hope others throw in some thoughts for you too. I''m 47 and have experienced "ruts" of my own. For what it's worth, I can offer some advice. It's time to look to yourself and realize why you're in a "rut". Then, do whatever it takes to dig yourself out of it and move on. No-one else can do it for you, it's your own challenge to recognize your strengths. You usually have to give up something to gain something. And...no, you haven't lost your way in life, you're just "in a rut", and it happens to everyone, and there will be more in your life. But for now, it's a time for self-realization, which is a good thing. Best wishes to you. :)
yup, happens to everyone believe it or not. i've been through some rough rough times. i thought i would never pull out or MY ruts sometimes, but sure enough, i always did. usually just takes a little time. this is actually a good place to bring it up cause here you will get a lot of support and possitive thoughts. best of wishes! you'll be just fine :)
This is indeed a great place for this, since we are all friends here. And these things sure do happen to everyone in one way or another. Almost a year ago I went through about a month or two of serious depression and anxiety, which was absolute hell. It's scary to not know where life will take you in situations such as that, but it doesn't mean it will be like that forever. Soon you will be feeling great, and you'll look back on the hard times and say "Yeah, I can handle that, I can handle anything." You can do it man.
as everyone has been so caring and warm already, you should be able to see that we are in fact all friends here so if you need to talk to anyone, im sure they would only be too happy to help.
Yeah dude, don't worry about it. Most ruts work themselves out, but you can speed up the process by trying something new and different. Like going for a bikeride on a trail every so often, it is great for relaxing and allowing yourself time to think.

Works for me, might work for you.
Thanks guys and gals...

No money = no medication... and the bad stuff is creeping back in. I know it's just the depression talking.

My job has cut hours drastically and I won't be able to make rent this month, I'm writing a check I know will bounce... not sure what's gonna happen. That is my biggest source of grief.

My pursuit of happiness isn't what I hoped it would be. The journey is no longer any fun.

But I'll get a few more jobs, start making enough to pay for everything.

Ever feel like you should be further in life than you really are? I'm 30 and live alone, work alone, drive alone, eat alone, sleep alone. I only talk to people on the internet because when I try to talk to real life people, I get quickly muffled out. (I don't really share similar interests.)

I really do try to conversate... but people look at me like my face is covered with insects. LOL
I have a philosophy that everything that happens in life has its reason that you might not be able to see for some time but one day you will understand that it made you stronger in whichever way its meant to.

When doors close, they push you right to the very edge where you're thinking nothings going to happen for you and then suddenly when you least expect it, that proverbial window will always open, but you have to be open to taking it and don't push it away.

That's been my experience anyway.

The net can be a good way of reaching out to people when there's just no one in your immediate universe you can relate to. You could always search for people around your area that could turn into real friendships. Life is full of possibilities you just have to try every angle.
My wife is clinically depressed. It's not easy living with those dark voices. I have done a good bit of reading and the best recommendation I can pass on is to increase your physical activity. You may not have the money to get a gym membership, but there are plenty of other activities you can do for free. Exercise increases your endorphin levels which makes you feel much better. It will also use up much of your mind's resources and help shut out the voices you don't want to listen to. Sould of Ice recommends riding a bike - anything that gets you going will help considerably.

I think sitting alone talking on the internet may sink you further into your rut. I can attest to that from personal experience.

Seeing what my wife goes through, I have great sympathy for your trials. I hope everything works out for you.
Best wishes to you, man. I can't offer any advice to you (since I am half your age), but I feel for you. I have felt that way before on certain occasions (awaiting trial, being expelled) and can tell you that things will begin to look up.
SilentRealm said:
I have a philosophy that everything that happens in life has its reason that you might not be able to see for some time but one day you will understand that it made you stronger in whichever way its meant to.

When doors close, they push you right to the very edge where you're thinking nothings going to happen for you and then suddenly when you least expect it, that proverbial window will always open, but you have to be open to taking it and don't push it away.

That's been my experience anyway.

The net can be a good way of reaching out to people when there's just no one in your immediate universe you can relate to. You could always search for people around your area that could turn into real friendships. Life is full of possibilities you just have to try every angle.

beautiful :) and quite true the way i look at it. i have to believe things happen for a reason otherwise i would go crazy. sometimes you feel like you are being shit on and forgotten in the world. you can't however keep thinking that way or feeling sorry for yourself cause it will just pull you into a hole that is very difficult to pull yourself out of. easier said then done huh? well, i know how that goes, trust me.
just be strong buddy. hang in there. :)
Xerofall said:
Ever feel like you should be further in life than you really are? I'm 30 and live alone, work alone, drive alone, eat alone, sleep alone. I only talk to people on the internet because when I try to talk to real life people, I get quickly muffled out. (I don't really share similar interests.)

I really do try to conversate... but people look at me like my face is covered with insects. LOL

I hear ya man, Im in a rut myself, not as bad as yours, but definitely a rut. I've been ignoring it for too long, and it all crashed on me big time :Smug:

Although my issues aren't as severe as yours, and do seem petty ,being 15 with these issues does suck.

I have no desire to talk about em, It'd just make it worse IMO. Hell just thinking about it right now put me in a bad mood.
wow, Symphony X fans are the greatest, aren't they? So supportive... I know where to go now if I ever have a problem and need some help and advice. I hope it cheers you up a little knowing all these people hope the best for you. Just be positive and know you aren't alone, we all go through though times... but if you never experienced the bad you wouldn't be able to truly appreciate the good.