I'm listening to...

Today I had the pleasure of rocking out to Ozzy with my coworker's 20 month old daughter - she can't use a toilet, but she knows that Ozzmosis is her favourite album and can throw the devil horns when it's playing!

Perry Mason \oo/
lol you were in Bazart too? I was there with a mate of mine, didn't get home till 7am on friday :p Well worth the 9 euros spent on a ticket, imo :D And they did a good cover of Savatage's Edge of Thorns :kickass:

I was in The Hague, Tilburg, Cologne and Kerkrade, oh and Maastricht aswell like they mentioned on their site. But that was just to kill some time. Kerkrade is boring....:lol:
Soilwork - Sworn to a Great Divide

any thoughts on who the next few bands are gonna be people? At the 3rd of March René said within 2 weeks they'd announce the next few, thats over 3 weeks ago now :p
Alpha Galates - A Stimulus of Reason

As for new bands to announce, we have a little delay which has to do with my personal situation. We had to do some research in the hospital for our youngest daughter of 3 months. Everything seems to be OK, but it delayed my work for PP as you can understand. But expect some new confirmed bands soon, with Easter at the latest.
No worries René :) We're just a curious lot, you know that :p And always anxious to hear about the bands we're going to see :) Not good to hear your youngest required hospital research though, hope everything will be alright there.

Pagan's Mind - United Alliance