I'm looking for a Mastering Suite. Vonxengo? Ozone? Samplitude?

Dec 16, 2010
I'm looking for a mastering suite/plug-in for win7 cubase4. I want to use it in the mastering chain, and also try my hand at EQ curve matching to pro stems/tracks.
Ermz likes Voxengo's Cure EQ and Izotope's Ozone EQ
I heard there is a "group buy" of Ozone 5 for $149. How to I get into that group? That's my budget.
Any suggestion's or links?
Ozone is more expensive than Voxengo but I think it's worth it. I'm not the biggest fan of the Izotope looks but it's good.
The eq matching quality and features in Ozone are top notch. I haven't compared them side by side but many say it's much better than Voxengo Curves.
That is a good price, but I don't know about the group buy.

As far as a single mastering suite, Ozone is great. There are relatively small gains ITB by going with other EQ's and limiters, but nothing that will just blow it out of the water. I damn near have every limiter/EQ for mastering available (FG-X, Voxengo Elephant, T-Racks, etc.) and I still pull up Ozone pretty often.
Ozone is the best vst for tone and eq matching;plus, the equalizer and the reverb and stereo widening sections are great, I didn't find any thing special in voxengo curve eq
No Samplitude fans yet? I'm leaning towards ozone 5, unless someone can talk me out of it. Would like to get it for around $150, though.
What do you guys know about Kmeter - would it work on Metal, or should I use it for non-metal projects, since it proports to not slam the music to the brick wall, but instead gives you enough loudness "that Breaths" http://www.meterplugs.com/kmeter?ut...74GYBA&usg=AFQjCNF13nCanMljAiAT0fq3tocLCAw_iA
Samplitude from what I know is a full DAW. I definitely don't know anyone that uses it. Just not as common as Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Sonar, etc.

K-meter from what I can tell is just a meter based on the K-system. You still need other tools to get there. Ozone's metering is as good as any. At the end of the day, use your ears.
I've bought iZotope Ozone 5 recently. This is a very capable suite of tools. Not that I am using everything of it, because the EQ, the multiband-compressor and the maximizer do the job for me.
It's still $154 at plugindiscounts.com where I got it from.
I've been using FGX and the T-RackS 3 stuff for some time with good results. I do want to check out Ozone though.
If I want to bring something up to commercial volume really fast, FGX is my choice, just slap it on and be done with it.

I actually end up using the T-Racks 3 1176 and LA-2A on just about everything I do, and I really like the clipper/saturation plugin that's included as well. The Pultec EQ is rad as well.