Im Lost ....


New Metal Member
Apr 1, 2006
Hey all I just joined the forum yesterday and I have to say that I have never seen so many band names flying around in one place with out 90% of the people judging bands/CDs with out justifying it. Im also one of last people that should prolly be be here, my tastests run mostly towards Emo Punk, Metalcore, and a little bit of that pussy punk crap any quizi punk bitch will have.

However I own all the Megadeth CDs, all the metallica CDs (some what sad I know... I think I kept buying them to say I had them all *shrug*), Iron Maiden, Slayer, A7X ***edit*** , and Dream Theater CDs. O, and I downloaded something like 17 KISS CDs, not much to my liking but somewhat fun. I hate music like Hatebreed, Underoath, most of slipknot.... I guess I hate all music where like 70% of the singing masks the base and guitar cuz all you can here is RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA or conversly GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

SO the real point of this thread is WTF metal music am I into, and can any one tell give me a couple contemperary bands that arent NU Metal, cuz while i love my Megadeth, Deth, Slayer.... the only new CDs they will be puting out are best hits, and if they put out a best hits i will lose respect for them any way and not buy it.

thanks for the help
i've never understood why avenged sevenfold is abbreviated as ax7 because logically if the "x" for multiplication is replacing the multiplicative "-fold" suffix, then surely it should be "a7x". ax7 to my mind is ambiguous, and looks something like "viariable a multiplied by itself seven times" or possibly "variable a times variable x time 7"
Lyle said:
i've never understood why avenged sevenfold is abbreviated as ax7 because logically if the "x" for multiplication is replacing the multiplicative "-fold" suffix, then surely it should be "a7x". ax7 to my mind is ambiguous, and looks something like "viariable a multiplied by itself seven times" or possibly "variable a times variable x time 7"
yeah for values of a = shit am i right hahahahaha

oh no fucking shit guy

mmm good i got one of that 10% i was talking about.

Try reading the entire post.
of pure metal easily.

music over all not likely...

Forgive me but all i wanted was some fucking bands that weren't like Slipknot and underoath.

OBVIOUSLY that was too difficult for some people and you just assume im some mallcore yuppie..

get fucked... dam i thought this forum woulda been different, but no, too hardcore here to help out.
They're all just a bunch of idiots. They think the point of a forum is posting one word responses to look cool.

Listen to Blind Guardian. They blow every band you listed out of the water. They have the best vocals(its all sung instead of growled) out there.

Other bands to check out: Dragonforce, Edguy, Sieges Even, Pain of Salvation
Just try reading some threads.

If you want to get along with people here, start with the following:
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

You probably won't like any of those, but they are essential black metal albums.

Death metal:
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Death - Human

Good starter albums:
In Flames - The Jester Race
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Mastodon - Leviathan
My Dying Bride - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light
Carcass - Heartwork
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve
Nbur said:
of pure metal easily.

music over all not likely...

Forgive me but all i wanted was some fucking bands that weren't like Slipknot and underoath.

OBVIOUSLY that was too difficult for some people and you just assume im some mallcore yuppie..

get fucked... dam i thought this forum woulda been different, but no, too hardcore here to help out.

Of all the forums on UM, this one is pretty high up there on the "assholes with no friends who post on forums all day telling people they are shit and the bands they like are shit" scale. I don't know where you got the impression it wasn't... are you sure you read the threads? There's probably not a single one on the first page without band/ad hominem attacks.

Seems to me you've only really explored thrash. If you want more like that, you shuld probably check out Iced Earth, Helstar, Testament, and Heathen. Don't worry, in 10 or fewer posts someone will tell you/me those bands are shit and to check out REAL thrash or something, but i think that should be your next step anyway.
So, you don't like screaming, or just nu-metal?

Try some of these songs:
Sonata Arctica- The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Real Puppet
Dark Tranquillity- The Enemy
Wintersun- The Death and The Healing

Get back to me with your opinions of these songs and I can give you more. Make sure you listen to them several time though :)

If people here just keep shooting you down, PM me :)
The thing that sucks about this thread is that Nbur has made light of himself as an outsider. "Oh, you guys won't much like me, I don't listen to what you listen to" isn't going to make you any friends. Best way to get around a new place is to lurk, learn how the community works and discuss shit with people when the need arises. Otherwise the standard "we don't take kindly to yer' type 'round here" is bound to result.
^^Ya, I'm just venturing back here after a 3 month hiatus due to my ass getting whooped. Then again, I was listening to some pretty shitty stuff :lol:

Decadent- I agree, but most new people don't know that, so we just have to live with it
That and atleast this guy wasn't "OMG THIS BAND ROXORZ ASS OMG OMG"