Im Lost ....

I recomend metallica 'kill 'em all', because the riffs and songs stick the metal up your asshole.

Forget metallica now, because kill 'em all will kill 'em all STILL.

...and carcass 'necroticism.
Thasis said:
Grrr... Metallica... I don't like them that much. They're ok in small-doses, but it's hard to take them seriously... ever.

As for Iron Maiden and Venom, I totally support that. Iron Maiden is pure wicketry, and Venom is jus classic goodness.

Venom cannot be taken seriously either, though they are better than Metallica.
Lyle said:
i've never understood why avenged sevenfold is abbreviated as ax7 because logically if the "x" for multiplication is replacing the multiplicative "-fold" suffix, then surely it should be "a7x". ax7 to my mind is ambiguous, and looks something like "viariable a multiplied by itself seven times" or possibly "variable a times variable x time 7"

cuz people suck at math and are ungodly lazy:rolleyes:
Try some Candlemass.

And to answer your question:
Megadeth = Thrash.
Metallica = Thrash.
Slayer = Thrash.
Avenged Sevenfold = Not metal.
Dream Theater = Progressive metal.
Iron Maiden = Traditional metal.

The Ultimate Guide
Lyle said:
i've never understood why avenged sevenfold is abbreviated as ax7 because logically if the "x" for multiplication is replacing the multiplicative "-fold" suffix, then surely it should be "a7x". ax7 to my mind is ambiguous, and looks something like "viariable a multiplied by itself seven times" or possibly "variable a times variable x time 7"

ITs becasue theyre crap and lame. Dont ask, just avoid.