I'm new. Love me!

Ah, and here we have the newest star to appear in this mottled sky;

And to you, I give the gift of a fable, somewhat daftly annotated, but entirely applicable and quite frankly, a potent liberator from a potential scar:

"A XFER who had seen an Officer beating a thug was very indignant, and said he must not do so any more on pain of dismissal.

"Don't be too hard on me," said XFER, smiling; "I was beating him with a stuffed club."

"Nevertheless," persisted XFER, "it was a liberty that must have been very disagreeable, though it may not have hurt. Please do not repeat it."

"But," said XFER, still smiling, "it was a stuffed thug."

In attempting to express his gratification, XFER thrust out his right hand with such violence that his skin was ruptured at the arm-pit and a stream of sawdust poured from the wound. He was a stuffed librarian."

That, young newt, was entirely for free,


- The Idea Professor

i am a little late to the party on this thread but:

1. azal never in fact hugged me, although it would have made me feel better if he had during the worcester crisis.

2. the only thing azal robbed me of was my innocence and trust in human beings.

3. i am a big fan of goatschool

4. if kittystar is using the members of motw that she met as a reference for cuteness than we're all in trouble.

5. i am not cute
Aww don't be so hard on yourself. How can I use anything else as my reference for cuteness? I don't know anybody else except Avi. And I'd like to set the record straight and say that Mia takes the cake at being hottest thus far.
BFS isn't tall. She's just a twee bit over the length of my leg, judging by how much of her body was involved in humping it when last we met.
I LOVE the short women. I love them short, petite, dark complexion and hair, and hopefully if I'm lucky with glasses. The bookish type. I suppose that's cause I'm quite short myself (around five five, five six.)

Anyhoo welcome Kitty Star! I'm on myspace myself if you want another buddy... I was bullied into signing up so I only have like two friends. I'm find-able as Brandon Empting or brandonempting@hotmail.com


P.S. Much love to small gals.