im new

Hi, and welcome to the site! I'm a little less sarcastic than usual tonight 'cos I just got back from a six hour session at the pub, so before my vision goes totally blurry I'll just say - don't mention Slipknot and you'll be fine, and listen to some grindcore and sludgecore and me and you will get along famously! :)
Originally posted by dill_the_devil
Hi, and welcome to the site! I'm a little less sarcastic than usual tonight 'cos I just got back from a six hour session at the pub, so before my vision goes totally blurry I'll just say - don't mention Slipknot and you'll be fine, and listen to some grindcore and sludgecore and me and you will get along famously! :)
The "SL" word is forbidden by the UM masters, right? About time...:lol:
Originally posted by godisanathiest
Slipknot hacve replied saying they are willing to have their official forum here :rolleyes: ;)

I mean Hi
:lol: :lol: yes because they are ultimate metal! hahahahahaha! Good one godisanatheist...