Why Death metal?


"The Red In the Sky Is Ours" and "With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness" are both great. "Slaughter of the Soul" has some good songs on it, but mostly it's just boring. Haven't heard anything else by At the Gates.

What does everyone think of Grotesque, Tomas Lindberg's first band? I believe it's great thrashy black/death stuff!
Susperia said:
^^^ His name is Quorthon, not Quorton.

Yeah. I do not even care. It's not hard to hear some bands being influenced or replicating. It's not hard to strum simple power or bar chords. That person is not somehow better than everyone else in metal or a genius or the best metal musician blah blah.
Impudent said:
What does everyone think of Grotesque, Tomas Lindberg's first band? I believe it's great thrashy black/death stuff!
great band indeed

pretty underrated! at the time, there weren't a lot of black metal bands around in sweden!
Erik said:
great band indeed

pretty underrated! at the time, there weren't a lot of black metal bands around in sweden!
Dodens Grav said:
I prefer Grotesque to At The Gates at times.
Yeah, definitely not enough talk about them. Too bad they didn't put out more. I'd have to agree, I prefer Grotesque over At the Gates most of the time.
I gave the first At The Gates another chance. You will have to find out tomorrow if I still think it sucks or like it now.

bbwaaahhhh ha ha