How do you like Death Metal?

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I think that raw black metal may be harder to get into than brutal death metal or grindcore. I personally prefer brutal death metal to grindcore, as I previously mentioned.

I will agree with this. There is some raw kvlt BLack Metal out there that I just can't get into or see anything good in. With Brutal Death if it just sucks right off the bat you can sense that it's no good & won't waste your time listening to it.

song writing is key.

That's what every genre ultimately comes down to at the end of the day.
That's what every genre ultimately comes down to at the end of the day.

Well if you mean that is what makes it good, than you pretty right. Song writing is not apart of drone,so to speak. Of course you are writing a song but you dont worry about verse-verse-chrous-verse etc. The ide of song writing in metal is something different from the song writing in indie. That includes them being into the detail of a full song and not just a little tech detail in a riff. That is the song writing that is lacking in metal.
of course, if you're dream theater, you can just record yourselves wanking off on your instruments for a while and I will be totally psyched with it.

also I have noticed that the grindcore I like (Carcass and Pig Destroyer primarily) tends to be death-metal-y
Grind is better for shocking people with, I've found. I've completely repulsed one of my friends, and he's a big Cannibal Corpse fan. He said this:

"It's like pig noises and blast beats with no rhythm!"

Jolly amusing stuff, all things considered.
Cannibal Corpse is aight... There's much better Death Metal out there, but Cannibal Corpse had some wicked lyrics in their early days. I never really bothered to listen to much of their stuff after Barnes left though.

Six Feet Under on the other hand is pretty damn shitty.
No, SFU has made great songs, Commandment is a comeback album, sure they have lacking songs, but show me a musical group that doesnt?
of course, if you're dream theater, you can just record yourselves wanking off on your instruments for a while and I will be totally psyched with it.

All Dream theater does is move their fingers around on their guitars. Shred shred shred shred shred every single song, just listen to Voices.
Cannibal Corpse is not good. Grindcore is much harder to get into than bdm. Hardest genre to get into in my opinion, is straight-forward generic death metal. The boringness blows most people away.
OK this thread is officially done for. Nothing interesting going on anymore (there wasn't ever really anything too eye-catching) and most of you are just being argumentative for no reason...exercise some self-restraint.
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