How can you have Christian Death Metal?

It seems that there is a cross of wires here,

"Death metal" is a loosely used term as many are in the world of music today it is possible for a group of christian's to get together and play some music that they like, weather ppl class it as death metal really doesn't matter, there are hardly any true death metal bands around anymore.

i'd like to know which "christian death metal bands" you are refering to, i run a stage a a christian music festival with all the metal bands on it. i'd class none of them as death metal.
Life Sucks said:
By the same token, a nihilist CANNOT be a Satanist. So then there cannot be satanist death metal either. Irrelevant, but an interesting thought. I personally also think that death metal is defined for the most part by the music, and secondly lyrics that are serious or dark in nature. I do not know any Christian death metal lyrics, but I am sure a lot of them are still dark and morbid in nature, though Christian. I've never come across death metal lyrics where the subjuct matter was completely non-deathmetal, like girls and relationships. But to me, bands like Extol and Corpse are still deah metal, judging by the music and some of the song titles.
I like your thinking.
If you don't believe a Xian band can play death metal, listen to The Agony Scene.

Personally, I feel that nihilism is the true and valid viewpoint for life. There is no reason for anything, there is no point to anything. The only truth is nothing: life is a meaningless and vapid tedious existance, a series of experiences strung together with conscious thought. There is no point to it. It is simply a fleeting moment where we have what is possibly the illusion of intelligence and it ends almost as soon as it begins. There is nothing "wrong" with this viewpoint, and stating that it is worse than Xianity is simply a defense mechanism against the truth.
Obviously you have done no reasearch into what you beleive is the truth, do some research, explain to me with proof,

((and by proof i don't mean i beleive this so its truth, dont try and feed me that shit, )) the basis for your beleifs and what historical evidence there is to support it.
Profånity said:

My favorite band in the world is Vanden Plas. My favorite power metal band is Angel Dust. One of my favorite classic metal bands is Accept. All three of those are German. Don't even try to tell me I don't know what I am talking about.

If you like your religion fine !! I like mine. I am not Christian, but I do believe in something that is magical and divine. If there is no "God" why are we (humans) so much more advanced than our most intelligent cousins, namely Chimps ?
If you don't believe in "God" then you must believe in aliens. If not, why are people here ? ........

Hell it doesn't matter.... I live to love...... you live to either hate or don't give a fuck. If I am wrong, so be it. I live in this world to be the best I can, not in any religious sense, but in a way.... it might be that. The world is a wonderful thing.
You could live in a country where metal music is not allowed. Be happy you have the ability to express your opinion..........

Eh... why argue with you ? I have stated over and over again that I am just a hippie-metal-head and I am just me, but take this to heart....... I AM BETTER THAN YOU !!!

If you honestly can't see making the wotrld better for you , your familyand everyone else.... fuck you !!!

Bryant said:
My favorite band in the world is Vanden Plas. My favorite power metal band is Angel Dust. One of my favorite classic metal bands is Accept. All three of those are German. Don't even try to tell me I don't know what I am talking about.
I said GERMAN DEATH METAL, I even used capitals so everyone understood what I meant.

None of the bands you listed are Death Metal bands from Germany. Considering you named bands from other Metal genres when I said GERMAN DEATH METAL, I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Try reading the lyrics from proper German Death Metal bands such as:

and remember this: