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You know i read a interview with Xtras and Vorph, and they basically said they felt like their brief affair with satanism was quite silly. IF i remember correctly they also stated that they were beyond organized religion, thus christianity and satanism etc. I read the lyrics to that song, I think they can be interpreted in a number of ways, but anyhow its just one song.
I believe that most of the metal bands ( esp black metal) don't believe in god or believe in god but don't believe in specific religion. And about satanism, I don't think that there is a band who worships satan.. If they write songs about satan and anti christ or stuff (ex. dimmu borgir) , that's not because they are satanists ,that's because they want to have evil and twisted look.. :rock:
Im pretty sure you're right that those are anti-christian. I always assumed it was about how Christianity beacame like an ensalving empire rather than a religion.
"Helvetia gloria still smile behind the shade of shame" would suggest how behind the shame institutionalised Christianity has made its follwers feel, this instituation is actually a proud force bent on conquest. And the last line is pointing out how everyone is in fact a follower of Christianity to some extent due to how it has influenced society even if that person has strongly anti-christian beliefs.

"harvest of love and light, dictated by war and hate, supported by those who hide" id say pretty much garantees the song is anti Christian.
Exodus is actually the best Samael release, if you get hold of a copy with the secret "Static Journey" track on it - I think most copies have it. You are all wrong and I'm right!