Why melodic death?

I think you guys are wasting your time arguing semantics. I am amazed how much pointless info and thought can go into this, and i wonder why so many are so serious about such a useless subject?
Naggamanteh said:
Sadude, call me fag all you want, but "Why is it called death metal?" is in many cases a very legitimate question. Many of the bands under the label "melodic death" sound like heavy metal with harsh vocals. A more appropriate question would have been "Why isn't Melodic Death called Heavy Metal with Harsh vocals?"

Because that's a lot to type/write.
speed said:
I think you guys are wasting your time arguing semantics. I am amazed how much pointless info and thought can go into this, and i wonder why so many are so serious about such a useless subject?
No shit! I totally agree with you (..for once, I think)
Hmmm... personally I think that there is no reason to have a "point" to a thread or debate... this is a forum and there are many more pointless threads than not.... I personally liked the topic for it's pointless discussion value, and nothing more...
Yes it is strange that we agree on something Timmeth, compromise and understanding is possible, who would have thought it?

THis thread has done much to improve my self worth, as I dont feel like a arrogant jackass after reading these egomaniacal ravings of four or five others.
I dunno man... is a thread on a forum that important??? How much self-worth boosting can come from realizing that there are a lot of poeple in the world with blatant and uncompromisable opinions, whether they are right or not? I'm sure you already knew that, so it's not as if you have gotten a huge revalation from it... It's just a thread, nothing real big about it...
I was just kidding around man. But it is funny to see these people snipe at each other over nothing other than wounded pride.
This discussion was, quite frankly, stupid.

A better argument actually would have been, why is melodeath death?
well. i haven't read the other posts because as far as i did read it was just a bunch of people calling each other dickheads, so this may have been already said. I think that a reason, other than the actual reason which is journo's need a label for everything this sounded bopy so they said it's death metal but with more emphasis on melody....... death metal + melody = melodic death metal.....way to get off topic.. anyway, a reason might be due to the focus of the music.

Death metal is more focused on rythym as opposed to melody and likewise melodic death is more focused on melody. yes also the melody's in death metal are dissonant but i think that they are alot of the time more drawn out and simple. just in advance, to anyone who calls me a dickhead for the views in this post and tells me i'm a moron who knows nothing you are a dickhead too and you also know nothing. ta.
speed said:
Yes it is strange that we agree on something Timmeth, compromise and understanding is possible, who would have thought it?

THis thread has done much to improve my self worth, as I dont feel like a arrogant jackass after reading these egomaniacal ravings of four or five others.

Through your criticism within this thread, (and your constant returning to it) have you not proven to be this "jack ass" that you speak of? Are you attempting to revive the pathetic enlightenment or something? Amazing that you would give advice and lectures when you yourself are a hypocrite not to mention can't give yourself advice. What have we proven here? Let me try
speed said:
I guess most people just call it melodic death metal because a melo-death album isn't 60minutes of insane noise and growls. Like Opeth's Blackwater park. Sure it has some stuff that sounds just like regular death metal but it has a lot of acoustic guitar parts. Hell harvest is entirely acoustic. Then Arch Enemy i heard was melo death as well. Which doesn't make sense.

People are just so intent with labeling genres of music to their preference. There are those hardcore death fans who will call Opeth, Nightrage, Six Feet Under, and In Flames not real metal.

I personally don't care. Metal is metal, whether it's nu-metal, black metal, death metal, melo-death, old school thrash, newer thrash, speed metal, gothic/doom metal, powermetal, rap metal. Whatever you call it. I listen to Nile, Morbid Angel, Death...then theres stuff like The Kovenant, Cradle of Filth, Darkthrone, dimmu borgir....Annihilator, Shadows Fall, Kreator, Testament....and hell look through my shared folder on kazaa or my CDs and you'll find bands like Slipknot, Tool, Deftones, Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC, Godsmack, Disturbed...I listen to just about every type of "metal" there is. So personally labels don't matter to me. Besides people jump on me and say "oh they're not death metal" or something if i label them death metal.

funnily enough i'm probably one of the youngest members here(13) and i feel i have more maturity and acceptance to music then most ignorant jackasses here who go "Nu-Metal sucks!!!!1111 Get lost!!! This is a metal site you fag" Nu-Metal can be called metal. Besides i'm usually here to get info on the thrash and the death metal scene or debate metal with people. I don't get much info here(where i live), only 2 magazines have ever included a lot of those types of bands. Throat Culture, and Unrestrained, Both of which are hard to find new issues all the time. So my chances of finding good bands are here.

I'm getting off topic so i'll quit this rambling for now
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Virgin Plague, look around this board, some are from canada, uk, hell in the opeth forum a few people are from sweden. This board has a lot of people from all over the world, problem is the site's in english so most people will be from US, UK, Canada, Austrailia, and countries with English as the official language spoken
For fucks sake, this is WHY the trendy brainwashed meatheads laugh at us, we are so divided! fuckin death, goth, melodic, power, heavy, nu, does it matter what label we shove it under? its fuckin metal, thats all. The sooner metalheads rally under one banner the sooner were stopped being taken for a joke.