Im not drunk and I luv the iron maidens

Metal up ur azz

Bassist for
Jan 5, 2004
Wish I'd know
I don't know,this might sound crazy but...***whispers***...are you guys ever gonna let go the tribute and become can I say this...a non-tribute band?I think that would KICK ASS!!!!

P.S. Id buy all your cds,even if the critics say they totally sucked,which im sure they will never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're so sweet Metal up ur azz! :)

That female tribute to U2, Exit, went from tribute to U2 influenced original stuff. Some of the original stuff may surface in the form of another project someday. But this tribute band will remain a tribute to Maiden as long as peeps wanna see it and hear it. :rock: Long live Iron Maiden!!:worship:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
...this tribute band will remain a tribute to Maiden as long as peeps wanna see it and hear it. :rock:
Here, here!

As much as I would love to see the "Madiens" play other stuff, I adhere to the idea that The Iron Maidens are here to play Maiden music. Other stuff should be kept seperate.
Well,I guess that's ok...but hey,I'll be going to California soon, (that means within 3 years,he he!)I'll go see Maidens and all of you guys! I must say,this forum has changed my life... :Saint:
No offence,but I was reading the articles with you guys in it and I saw something that hit me like a frying pan (!):

Tribute Bands Prove Women Rockers Can Keep Up With the Boys

Oh My God!I know what this could mean,but ****,tributes are kind of the contrary,writing music is much harder then playing something all written out for you...

P.S. that doesn't mean tribute bands suck,im just saying women should make authentic bands,they would be much more renowned than tribute bands.
The article did not mean that we are as good as Maiden because we are a tribute band. Writing original music is irrelevant to this person's analogy. What it meant was that all-male tribute bands are not the only type of tribute or cover bands around that rock. Female tribute bands rock too. ....etc. Writing or not writing original music never even enters the equation for this written piece.

I grow tiresome of these "Chicks can rock too"'s like DUH....women can also play the violin and piano and bake cookies, play rugby and plant a garden.
Ya well...I think those articles are about stopping the ''women are not as good as men in rock'' shit,which I think is really stupid (don't judge until you've seen).But thing is,I think people would actually stop thinking that when more women start making metal bands,but that's only my opinion...