I'm not much of a Motley Crue fan, but...


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Both new songs I've heard are pretty good. I was crazy about them when Shout at the Devil came out (they lost my ears directly after that - they just made a bunch of records I didn't personally like, me being more of a Maiden style metal fan in the 80s).

Still, so many bands have tried to do comeback albums, or even just to recapture the magic after having made a few bad ones, and I really hear a spark in these two songs (Saints of L.A. and Motherfucker of the Year). I'm impressed. I probably still won't buy the album, since I just don't listen to that kind of metal/music much, but again, they seem to have put together something pretty special here. Modern, but rooted in the old-school.

My hat is off to them for making something that sounds pretty vital - it'll be interesting to see what the rest of the record sounds like. I'm especially surprised since that new ballad they released a couple years ago, around the time of their reunion, sucked.
Girls3 was the last Motley Crue album I really enjoyed with the odd moment on Dr Feelgood. I also liked the album with Corabi ... a good album but not a good Motley Crue album, if ya know what I mean. But listening to the snippets of SoLA, I see some promise.
They've been playing "Saints" on the radio... I don't think that the song itself is that good, but the band does seem to have more energy then other recent attempts
They've been playing "Saints" on the radio... I don't think that the song itself is that good, but the band does seem to have more energy then other recent attempts

I agree. But this live video is 10 times better than the actual sola video. If they come here at next tour I will be there.
But I have to hear more songs from the album before I get it, If I get it. I don`t have any Mötley album after DR.feelgood.
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I just hear the entire album. It rocks! It is way better than anyting they've done after Dr Feelgood. The Crue are back! From the In The Beginning-like intro right throught their token ballad about Sixx's heroin addiction, ending with the rocking Goin' Out Swingin. IT's all good and it all kicks your ass. Even if "What's it gonna take" has a little stolen swagger from Quo's "Again Again" ... it's all good.
Girls3 was the last Motley Crue album I really enjoyed with the odd moment on Dr Feelgood. I also liked the album with Corabi ... a good album but not a good Motley Crue album, if ya know what I mean. But listening to the snippets of SoLA, I see some promise.

I too enjoy the album with Corabi even though it didn't sound like a Crue album and the band probably should've called themselves by another name at that point.

The six track promo I heard for SoLA was great. It sounds really fresh and full of energy!
I've been listening to the CD for a couple of days now and I think its a great album! Sounds very Old School and yet its infused with a lot of fresh energy! I'll say its gonna be in my top 5 for the year, easy!

I have mixed feelings about the three songs I've heard. I will say that they are better than anything from New Tattoo....

agreed. new tatto was pretty horrible. it has 3-4 good songs and the rest are crap. i like every crue album better than new tattoo, even generation swine. generation swine is actually in my top 5 favorite crue albums. anyways this album like every crue album (except new tattoo) just sounds like the crue playing whatever is current at radio. they kind of jump to the newest trend. even new tattoo was a trend album because it sounds like a retro album which in 1998-2000 every 80's hair band band tried to make an album that sounded like it was from the 80's so that was what was in at the time
I was flipping around on the tube last night & saw the Crue on Larry King live. I just thought it looked funny to see them all sitting around Larry's desk...