I'm off to uni in two days......

Slash Freeman

Iron Maiden obsessive
And i'm not sure when i'll get a chance to log into Ultimate Metal. I will be back on the 13th of December for definate, but between then i have no idea. i might be able to make it back home once a month or so, maybe more, maybe less. Plus i might be able to make it here from my block of flats. but anyways, regardless of when i get back i'm gonna miss this place. most of you probably don't know me, but i'll miss you all anyways. this place is one of the few places where i can talk my mind and people will respect me for it. i guess i'll see you later.

*bigs hugs and kisses too all, including the guys just to freak them out if they get freaked out by that kinda thing. ;)*
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
And i'm not sure when i'll get a chance to log into Ultimate Metal. I will be back on the 13th of December for definate, but between then i have no idea. i might be able to make it back home once a month or so, maybe more, maybe less. Plus i might be able to make it here from my block of flats. but anyways, regardless of when i get back i'm gonna miss this place. most of you probably don't know me, but i'll miss you all anyways. this place is one of the few places where i can talk my mind and people will respect me for it. i guess i'll see you later.

*bigs hugs and kisses too all, including the guys just to freak them out if they get freaked out by that kinda thing. ;)*

Ditto! LoL, where ya going? I'm off to Edinburgh Uni on Saturday, I don't know many other places that start so late; most colleges and universities started the term this week or last.
Yeah baby slip me some tongue!


Have a good time, we'll make sure to keep the message boards warm for your arrival... :p

Good luck, have fun, drink lots of beer
I'll have a drink for you and a drink for all my friends who i leave behind. We are the best! May Heavy Metal conquer the planet, and kill all those scum whodon't believe Heavy Metal is the greatest!!

Sculpted Cold: I'm off down to Birmingham. I thought about edinburgh, but decided i wanted out of scotland.

"We are the champions, my friends.
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end"

May you all have great lives while i'm away. I hope everyone has good luck. *hugs to all once more*
ScupltedCold, do you consider me a traitor for leaving Scotland? ;)

Hello everyone. I am logged in during my computer lab right now 'cos we only had to set up a printer and that was it. now we all get to browse to net. :) I'm getting along just fine. There are some really kool people here, although not as many as i'd originally hoped. not too many metallers, but some damn fine looking people, and most people are kool to talk to. See you guys later! I'm off for a browse round UM. :)
Say, what are you studying?? I've just started Computer Science at Nottingham Trent uni (go to uni in your hometown = live at home = no accommodation costs = less student loan = less debt :D ). God it's boring. Most of the stuff we're doing I've already done at college. There are some nice ladies there though... one in particular I have my eye on :eek: :hotjump:. Good luck to Slashie & Sculpted, and have a pint or ten on UM.
Hey never even talked to u before

But have fun at uni,,, its a blast !!!
i enjoyed it shed loads.. and im sure ull be able to get the odd bit of access via the college computers - if they have them or at a net cafe..

Enjoy it.... and party hard... i reckon i learnt morea bout life than anything else... especially in the first year

ALL the best and keep it rocking

I'm hoping to go for a masters in Physics. And yes, i could have stayed at home but that would not have involved meeting so many kool people who AREN'T Glaswegians. And glasgow sucks to live in. The whole culture is just too close minded. it's illegal for a guy to be gay there (or at least it's considered illegal by the bastards in the street), and it's illegal to like heavy metal and wear different clothes to everyone else. it's sucks! it's total shit hole as well. but yet strangely enough i kinda miss it, 'cos my best friends are still there. i'm planning a trip home this week coming.