When I was about 5 or 6 I thought "Wow... 21 is old, I don't think I'll ever get there." I never really matured much past that and now, at 21, I think I'm old.
It doesn't help that I found a gray hair in class last year, and have a few more now... I've had to stop looking because gray hairs shouldn't happen at 20 and I'm trying (and obviously failing) to pretend that they don't exist.
You're only as old as the woman you feel.
The guys in their 40s+ here must be having a good chuckle at all the 'kids' worrying about getting old....
32 here. Dont worry about age. However don't squander your youth. Life life to its fullest. You only have one shot.
Married, Kid, House, Cars, 8to 5 job. bla bla bla.
Just had my first child 4 months ago puts life in perspective.