i'm out, bitchez.

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
until Sunday night, that is.

tomorrow afternoon, my parents and i are leaving for Pittsburg to go to the open-campus visit day-thing at Carlow University, the school i hope to get into. we're staying at a hotel over night and then the thing at the college will be pretty much all day so we won't get home until late. and i doubt anyone really cares, plus i've been absent from here for days on end thanks to the crappy minimum wage-psycho ex-carnie-boss-ness of my job, but ... whatever, just thought i'd mention it.
Ah, Orientation. Yes, the orientation at IUS lasted about five hours and was basically pointless. I felt like I had wasted a day of my life that could have been spent, oh, I don't know, sitting naked on a beanbag eating Cheetohs.
Lunar Still said:
Ah, Orientation. Yes, the orientation at IUS lasted about five hours and was basically pointless. I felt like I had wasted a day of my life that could have been spent, oh, I don't know, sitting naked on a beanbag eating Cheetohs.

THATS my kinda day.
Lunar Still said:
Ah, Orientation. Yes, the orientation at IUS lasted about five hours and was basically pointless. I felt like I had wasted a day of my life that could have been spent, oh, I don't know, sitting naked on a beanbag eating Cheetohs.

haha, yeah orientation days are normally like that,
and we all wish we really could do something else like...
oh I dont know, sit naked and eat cheerios indeed.

Have fun, and good luck, go meet some new friends :Spin:
Lunar Still said:
Ah, Orientation. Yes, the orientation at IUS lasted about five hours and was basically pointless. I felt like I had wasted a day of my life that could have been spent, oh, I don't know, sitting naked on a beanbag eating Cheetohs.
... and then finding out that the televangelist isn't really referring to you?
the school was nice and it seems like they really offer what i want as far as their whole creative writing major and whatnot, but ... serious lifestlye conflicts. the place is so ridiculously Catholic, and almost entirely female. now, i'm a big fan of the ladies (in many ways) but even i need some males around me at times. it's just so homogenous at that place - all girls, all Catholic. and a totally unfamiliar area. i don't want to uproot myself that much to make a transition to a place i might not be rreally comfortable in. plus, a non-catholic school in this state would probobly be cheaper and easier to adjust to. and i'm the one who needs to make me a better writer - not a teacher, not a class, not a school. the other place i was looking at, Washington College, actually has a creative writing program and all that. they probobly won't cater to my slutty alcoholic athiest-needs any better than the college i was originally looking at, but ... fuck me, i'm not leaving my comfort zone just yet.
Not sure if your looking for a big school or a small one, but St. Mary's College sounds right up your alley. Its non-catholic and in the state. Pretty small college overall, great campus, lots of cool people. Its really a pretty liberal/unorthodox college, and most of my classes so far have been fairly interesting. Some of the teachers are nuts, in a good way. Hell, my polysci teacher helped me design a military-esque "coup d'etat" of the U.S. government for my exam paper last year.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Not sure if your looking for a big school or a small one, but St. Mary's College sounds right up your alley. Its non-catholic and in the state. Pretty small college overall, great campus, lots of cool people. Its really a pretty liberal/unorthodox college, and most of my classes so far have been fairly interesting. Some of the teachers are nuts, in a good way. Hell, my polysci teacher helped me design a military-esque "coup d'etat" of the U.S. government for my exam paper last year.