So it's Sunday night and I'm sitting here bored. Yesterday my little bro got married. Strange thing was I felt like an outsider at my own brother's wedding. This might make me evil, but I just wanted to go home right after the ceremony. I left early like around 9. Most of the attendees were his wife's family. Alot of them were quite stuck on themselves.
Anyway. I'm happy for him and all. I know he's very happy. It just got irritating because I'm the middle child and my older sister is also married and I get my uncles and aunts asking me when I'm getting married. Come on! I'm single for a reason, I want to be. I've got too much going on to worry about anyone but myself at the moment.
When you're a teen you have a different boyfriend every other week(well at least I did) Dating was for status , it was mostly based on looks. And if you were single it was like you had the plague. Now that I'll be 28(not that that's old what so ever) I just don't feel the need to run around chasing after men. And my tastes are based much more on personality (I'd say 80%) than looks.
When you have this big long list of things you want to accomplish and you finally realize that you aren't getting any younger and you want to be at a good place in life, dating seems like the least of your worries. And trying to explain this to a bunch of old fashioned people who think that being married and having a family is the most important thing, is very difficult. I'm not one of those females who plans their wedding as soon as they hit puberty. If it happens someday, it happens. I'm soo not worried about it.
Anyway sorry for ranting, it's just annoying, I have to explain myself at every single family gathering.
