I'm so fucking bored...

I think I work all week as well. Might get a half day on friday but thats about it. I miss the days of high school when I had this whole week off, and I could just lay around drinking and being lazy.
lizard said:
if you guys are so bored, you could read articles on line about the majestic NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS
Kicking the crap out of the Jets when their playing for the Reggie Bush pick is a lot different than lining up against the Steelers in a playoff game. Regardless, good luck. I'll laugh my ass off if you guys beat the Colts again.

i only slept a few hours last night and have a huge project to accomplish today.

but yeah, there's like, nobody around this week. a lot of the homebuilders we do work for close for 2 weeks around this time of year, so even with a lot of work asked for, none of it gets done. you'd think i'd use this time to catch up on bullshit but no, i'm dicking around here instead. :dopey:
General Zod said:
Kicking the crap out of the Jets when their playing for the Reggie Bush pick is a lot different than lining up against the Steelers in a playoff game.
yes, but the Steelers choke in big games.

General Zod said:
Regardless, good luck. I'll laugh my ass off if you guys beat the Colts again.

thx...Peyton always looks so crushed when we make him our prison bitch.

keep in mind guys I am the WORST FUCKING PIGSKIN PROGNOSTICATOR IN THE WORLD...just warning you.