Who the f**k makes these laws?

The only time I step foot in a bar is to see a concert, and I go to very very few concerts because it takes days to get that smoke smell all the way out of my hair. Not to mention the migraine I get from inhaling that shit.

I'd pretty much be more in favor of one-upping the current laws and forbidding smoking anywhere, at all, ever, except in one's own private residence. That's how much I detest it.
jimbobhickville said:
The only time I step foot in a bar is to see a concert, and I go to very very few concerts because it takes days to get that smoke smell all the way out of my hair. Not to mention the migraine I get from inhaling that shit.

I'd pretty much be more in favor of one-upping the current laws and forbidding smoking anywhere, at all, ever, except in one's own private residence. That's how much I detest it.

Until public streets are no longer public, this is just as gestapo as the anti-smoking laws.
i don't care if they do it on the street, it gets diluted quickly outside, and its easier to move far away. I just don't want to be forced to breathe smoke indoors, it fills the entire building. I don't even like it when weed smoke fills the building, after a while, that gets annoying as well.
not that I'm adding anything to the convo here, just felt like stating my opinion.

I don't care if people want to smoke, everyone should be able to do what they want.. but when things STINK and the smell saturates my hair and clothing, and won't readily go away, then I get rather annoyed. Hey this applies to old ladies and their nasty perfume too. That should be just as illegal (thankfully most offices are frowning upon that these days though, or so they say...)

Banning people from smoking outside is retarded.

Banning me from pissing outside though is just as retarded, but I get over it..

(yes, I feel the harm caused by public smoking is more than the harm caused by public urination)
1lb of Naked Nutrition said:
In virginia 95-97% of the 18-35 demographic smoke. California is on the other end of the spectrum with 18%. I heard this stat a year ago.
:OMG: holy fuck, 95%!? being from "the other end of the spectrum" that blows my mind, very few people smoke in CA. and yet i can kinda understand...at home pretty much none of my friends smoke tobacco at all, then i came here to oregon, not very far away, and pretty much all my friends (myself included) smoke at least the occasional rollie
Yea EVERYONE smokes in Virginia and Maryland. Our Economies grew up on Tabacco farming (an all but extinct practice around here now). If they were to ban smoking in bars here there would be a small revolution probably. Hell, the county I live in holds the world record for the most Liquor Establishments per square mile. Cancer, drugs, liquor, amish, and rednecks. Thats what holds this community together.
and you'd think amish wouldn't fall prey to all the smoking and drinking

but those amish kids!! they love to party

what county do you live in btw
remember those two Amish dudes who were busted for cocaine dealing??

"Abner Stoltzfus and Abner King Stoltzfus (no relation)" -- were busted for buying cocaine from the Pagans motorcycle gang and distributing it through Amish youth groups. For a couple of days, reporters from everywhere were in Intercourse, Bird-in-Hand, Gordinville, and Gap."
St. Mary's

The ass end of Maryland.
We actually have like, organized crime among farmers down here too, "The John Deer Mafia" if you will. Some Amish couple got knee-capped last year down the road from me, owed some gambling debt or something. I thought it was endlessly funny, especially because they described there assailants as "three white men wearing ski masks with overalls, driving a red ford truck with a confederate flag decal on the back window." Thats all my neighboors pretty much.