Idiotic hangout spots.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Because when you're 15 you can't go to bars (and they won't let you smoke weed there anyhow), so where did/do you go?

I went to the local water reservoir, which was about a 30 minute hike from my buddy's house. We'd go up there to drink and smoke and yell and fart and have fun. Now that I'm almost 26 I... still go up there about 5 times a year to drink and smoke and yell and fart and have fun. :Spin:

In high school, I either walked about the hallways, making noise and throwing things....

or I went to the nearby forest.

Off school times: I went to the mall. The king of malls. I still go there occasionally.
Under a bridge where the road passes over some train tracks. Fun place to get high, then get freaked out by the prospect of people walking by, cops coming, trains coming, falling down the (rather steep) incline to where the tracks are, animals, monsters, aliens, and who knows what else.
I go out into the woods around my house. Unfortunately that's harder now since a suburb has sprung up around my house in the 12 years that I lived at home.
we used to hang out by the railroad tracks ... until my friend and his girlfriend were killed by a train drunk out of their minds ... since then .. I am not a fan of trains :(
Throughout my teenage years parks where the way to go. There's one 5 minutes from my house that we terrorised for a good 18 months. Many good memories. Another park 10 minutes away was the home of last summer, again, so much good shit went down. In both cases things started sucking when everyone got into weed heavy :rolleyes: do understand why I have such a negative opinion of it.

Also, hanging out in the city centre/seafront was very fashionable. That was when you were in the peak of your gromit years :oops:
Umm, friends' houses... Being outdoors for prolonged amounts of time without proper clothing is not a good idea about half of the year around here :D
My main hangout with friends when I was younger (as in the days before alchohol) was in front of the computer. When I got older, my friends and I never got invited to any parties or similar due to uncommunicativeness and beeing assholes to people we didn't know, so we sat in parks when/if we managed to get hold of beer and then ususally concluded the eveing with some wanton destruction of public property.
lurch70 said:
we used to hang out by the railroad tracks ... until my friend and his girlfriend were killed by a train drunk out of their minds ... since then .. I am not a fan of trains :(
I'm sorry. :(
Yeah that sucks. There was a spot that I never went to around her, the trestles. People would go there and get really stoned on the train tracks, and you'd have to duck into these little cubby things to not die when a train would come. A few weren't quick enough, or got sucked in by the draft and were killed.