Who the f**k makes these laws?

meaning you have to decide whether or not you're going to go with your buddy who smokes like a chimney or your buddy who has a borderline allergic reaction to tobacco smoke.

Anyway, what's the % of population who doesn't smoke now? Here in Quebec it's around 20% I think, and most of the youth don't smoke anymore, thank god. The pub and the club at my university prohibited smoking last year and it changed nothing at their attendance. It's still as fucking crowded as ever and I like it. Only hot chicks from my huge university, cheap beer and no ashtray smell.
yeah, none of the bars around here lost any business when the anti-smoking laws went in place. In fact, finding published about 6 months afterwards found an increase in business from non-smokers, while there was no drop from smokers.

At least, thats the greater vancouver area. But all bars were required to have a fenced (contained) area for smokers, so they're still "in the bar" but they're outside.
Neither did any bar in NYC. They're all just as crowded as ever, and going outside has simply become a part of the routine. Lots of bars even help accomodate, by putting those heating lamps when possible.
FYI: In Sweden, about 15% of the population smokes, and about 18% use snus (22% of the male population, 4% of the female, wait have I calculated this correctly)
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
If you can't stand having to go sit on the patio to smoke, your fucking loss.

If you can't handel being in a bar environment, your fucking loss.
yeah, none of the bars around here lost any business when the anti-smoking laws went in place. In fact, finding published about 6 months afterwards found an increase in business from non-smokers, while there was no drop from smokers.

this is probably accurate in NY as well ... however there are no enclosed smoking areas here ... you go on the street ... at night it looks every place is having a fire drill.
lurch70 said:
this is probably accurate in NY as well ... however there are no enclosed smoking areas here ... you go on the street ... at night it looks every place is having a fire drill.

see, that I can see as being a problem. But that should require a solution besides everyone piling right back inside.

@Tully: So because I got deathly ill from exposure to second hand smoke (from my father) when i was younger (elementary school age), i should be forced to suffer just because you won't go outside for a few minutes? puff faster. He had to smoke outside, why shouldn't you?
Above smokers rites, and buisness rites, I care that this is another thing that the US is doing that is anti-capitalist, which I hate.
If you can't handel being in a bar environment, your fucking loss.

I can absolutely handle a bar environment, but it doesn't mean I want to fucking reek like an ashtray just to have a beer.

If I can go outside in below-freezing temperatures, so can everyone else. And they can STFU about it too.
lurch70 said:
this is probably accurate in NY as well ... however there are no enclosed smoking areas here ... you go on the street ... at night it looks every place is having a fire drill.
Ugh it's just sad to see in the winters here now... People go out into the freezing -25 degree night only to smoke every half hour when they're at some bar or shit
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
@Tully: So because I got deathly ill from exposure to second hand smoke (from my father) when i was younger (elementary school age), i should be forced to suffer just because you won't go outside for a few minutes? puff faster. He had to smoke outside, why shouldn't you?

You don't have to suffer, no one is telling you to go to pubs/bars/clubs/ where they allow smoking, but they ARE telling smokers that there is NO bar or club that they can enjoy somthing that makes them happy and content ie: smoking indoors with friends, in a fun environment.

Contrary to popular belief, to some smoking isn't just a chore. We ENJOY going out to a bar where we can light up a ciggie and enjoy ourselfs, we don't WANT to puff faster, that is the whole point.
ok, my main problem is that I smoke cigars ... which even at their smallest, take about 20-30 minutes to smoke ... so going outside on the street is rather stupid. Plus cigars are great with some good strong drink.

however there are quite a few cigar bars in NYC, which somehow have slid by the smoking ban ... so I cannot really complain

we don't WANT to puff faster

this really made me LOL :lol: