i'm so sick of GYMS in nyc


Aug 2, 2002
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you can't find out their prices unless you go right to their locations. you call and they say 'oh come in for a tour' or 'oh the prices vary so much we'd have to meet with you'. all i want to do is find a gym that may be cheap enough for my friend and i to join (the average here is like $80 a month for a gym that isn't packed). i dont understand it's like, eventually i am going to hear the price so they might as well tell my poor ass now.

end of frustrated and annoyed post. merci.
i would say maybe join a YWCA but i imagine the ones in the city might be a bit sketchy. but they i believe are cheaper. at least the ymca across from my house is and once i can afford it i would like to join.
it's actually about the same price! isn't that weird? it is nice in there. but still expensive. and the only near my job is ultra busy.
yea i just dont understand why they can't have a price list on their website? is it because they charge differently in different areas or what? it's so annoyo.
i would say just bitch to them that they are dumb for making you go through hurdles to find out a price and maybe someone will relent BUT having to go through that much on the phone with them seems like too much of an annoyance at least for me.
i had to actually complain to a supervisor and be on hold at NYSC for almost 15 mintues once just to hear them say $120 a month.

i guess i'm just also annoyed that i dont have that freakin' kinda money :/
yeah its a bummer. i just got off the phone with my insurance rep because i can't afford both repairs to my car this month so i had to cancel one. luckily she is mad cool and not like the initial guy doing the work who was always making me feel like shit.
omg some people are so dumb. greg.... one of my coworkers just tried to put a whole legal pad into the shredder and broke it. and then asked me not to tell.
i mean, it's a small shredder. and they left the cardboard backing on it, and the binding area with the staples. i mean, wtf? then she's like 'shhh don't tell'.
the poor maintenance guy is up here trying to pry the pad out of the shredder. he said 'who did this?' and i said 'guess' and he said 'oh... shithead?'
actually dealing with people is the part of my job i do best anyway. i mean today i have been on the phone alot and just banging out customer service left and right.

you call me and i get shit done.

sorry i just needed a little self-affirmation there. :)