i'm so sick of GYMS in nyc

omg i just stood up from my chair like i suddenly remembered something i needed to do and stood there for a second and realized that the file i needed to work was right in front of me and sat back down again feeling foolish.

luckily my door was closed and no one saw this.
dude. if that's foolish i am walking ass. seriously. i do the most nonsensicle shit all day :( it's embarrassing.

i just got an email back from david barton gym about my request for membership prices. they said: "It is best to see a consultant in person to discuss pricing options". i'm like, come on assholes....
i wrote back

'Are you unwilling to tell me the price of a basic membership through email, or is it just your suggestion i walk 10 blocks to ask someone instead?'

i'm mean today :( sorry world.