I'm trying to find a studio monitor

Depends on what you want to use them for. A mobile rig? For that, I'm sure they're fine. Actually, I think the newest issue of Tape Op had a review of them. If you're looking for main monitors, though, check out the Yamaha HS80M. Yeah, they're 70€ more for a pair, but it's just a couple of nights at the bar or a half a month's cigs, you know ;)
Yeah i want to use them as my main monitors...
But 70€ more is hard. :/

Oh and i have one additional question. Is there any rule
how i have the place the monitors on my desk for perfect accoustic?
(I have no treated room..)
Well, I've worked on the A7's and I own a pair of HS80M's, and I personally prefer the HS80M's. Considering the A3X's are just the smaller version of the A7X's, which in turn are the new version of A7's, well, yeah :)

Dig around the forum. The HS80's are generally agreed to be the best bang for the buck when talking about prosumer grade studio monitors. Some prefer the A7's, but I don't, and then again, they are way above your budget, too.
Kinda confusing post editing there, bro! :lol:

Place them on proper stands. If you absolutely have to place them on your desk, use something like these to decouple them: http://www.thomann.de/de/auralex_acoustics_mopad.htm

And I'd strongly urge you to look into some room treatment. Good monitors in a crap room will sound like crap, while even semi-decent monitors in a properly treated room will sound better.
There's really no possibility to tread my room..
Would you say monitors like the yamaha ones aren't worth
its price when i have no treated room?
Well, that's quite a difficult (and subjective) question. Of course decent monitors are always better than crap ones, but unless you treat your room, you're still going to have trouble. Are you sure there's no way to treat the room? Even some bass traps in the corners and panels at the first reflections points will make quite a difference!
Maybe i set my price league way to high?!
Because I don't want to record and mix other bands. Mixing
is more like a hobby for me, so that i'm able to record my band and
my own song ideas...
Very basic acoustic treatment really doesn't have to be expensive at all. Some rockwool, wood, fabric and screws will go a long way :)

But if you think it's all too much for your personal needs, you can naturally just go ahead and get a pair of monitors and be happy working with them. If you just want to put down ideas and have fun, you don't need to go all out on it. You need to be the judge of that yourself, though.
Can i archieve the same results with good headphones like with good studio monitors in a treated room? :O

Not really, a good set of headphones is essential to have around anyway, but trying to mix on them is an excercise in futility.

sure, you're taking to room out of the equation, but you are essentially putting your ears into two, seperate, tiny rooms of their own.

EDIT: actually, back-pedaling a bit here, if your on such a tight budget and you just want something usable then maybe you'd be better off spending that money on good headphones rather than settling for shit monitors.
Can i archieve the same results with good headphones like with good studio monitors in a treated room? :O

Nope, but you you may be getting better results with good headphones than with decent monitors in a room that fucks with the freq anyway.
so it really depends on how shitty your room is in the end.
there were some threads about headphones going on lately so you may find some info with the sneap search

headphones that were mentioned were
sennheiser HD-650 / 600
beyerdynamik DT-770 Pro / 880 Pro
and some from the AKG K series
there were some more that I cant remeber right now, but you should be able to find it

you can get some really good headphones on the budged you are right now, but you wont come very far with that budged for monitors+treatment

just my 2 cents of course ;)
Hum... I don't really like Headphones! :D
I think i'll buy monitors and try to tread my room as much as possible.
so, whats the difference between the Yamaha Hs50m abd the hs80m?

Would the Hs50m be better because i have a small room?
Ok !
Now here's the final question :

The Yamaha hs50m, Yamaha hs80m or the Adam A3X in a small, not much treated room!?
(Without minding the price)

(I read that 8" woofer only cause problems in a small, untreated room. So
in my case a monitor with a 5" woofer would be better. Is this right?)
Dude, read all threads which are similar to yours(many many) and you can answer your questions within a few hours by yourself.
It's much better cause you'll learn alot more, even things that will help you in the future big times...