Monitor Stands

the problem I think is that most of the younger musicians don't live in their own place etc but at their parent'S....and they just don't think about stuff like not dropping the garbage on the floor, not spilling water over woodfloor etc. makes me wanna killl people

Yeah that's the case, younger are just fucking assholes.
When I was younger than now I wasn't a fucking asshole since my parents taught me about being educated, modern parents are just a bunch of fucking stupid assholes with no respect for rules, so they teach their children the wrong way.....
Yeah that sucks re: having to worry about the speakers, Lasse. The first thing that struck me about the O300s when I ran into them is how easy it would be to fuck up that 3" mid tweeter. As soon as my friend said 'it looks like a boob' I just KNEW some dickwad would poke a hole through it.

Thankfully the Opals seem to be bullet-proof, with a tweeter grill inbuilt.
Yeah that sucks re: having to worry about the speakers, Lasse. The first thing that struck me about the O300s when I ran into them is how easy it would be to fuck up that 3" mid tweeter. As soon as my friend said 'it looks like a boob' I just KNEW some dickwad would poke a hole through it.

Thankfully the Opals seem to be bullet-proof, with a tweeter grill inbuilt.

yeah, it looks like the death star and the textured surface makes it even more tempting
my new monitor stands have arrived and are sandfilled.
I gotta say I definitely hear quite a difference...the stereo image is just more stable and defined, so is the lowend.

now I just have to raise them a bit (they're too close to my desk atm= comb filter effect). But already really an improvement in sound, wouldn't have thought that the difference is THAT big.
Amazing isn't it? I couldn't believe the difference either, but there is a lot to be gained from proper decoupling. I'm going on an acoustic crusade actually, I'm going to see how 'flat' I can get the low-end response in here by shoving as much insulation into the room as possible, until I barely have enough room to move.
If one were to use Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers though (or whatever else is the ultimate in decoupling pads, though as far as I know they are), wouldn't that kinda negate the need for top-of-the-line stands? (of course you'd still want good ones for stability, but as far as decoupling/lack-of-resonance properties goes)
Well my current setup is monitors on top of Recoil Stabilizers on stable but inexpensive (and hollow) On Stage monitor stands, so I'm hoping so! :D
i have those same on-stage stands, but i'm strongly considering drilling a hole in the fuckers and filling them with sand....acoustic gains aside, i'm nervous as crap about how easily they wobble around when you touch them!

edit: even better, it looks like you don't even need to drill a hole - you can put sand in the base by taking off the rubber knobs/carpet spikes, and can fill the tube by loosening up the telescoping tube and pulling it out

looks like i'll be coming home from work on monday with a bag of play sand!
When my house is buit I will be putting mroe work into a dedicated room for all my audio crap. I've been thinking about getting some decent speaker stands also, but then I considered the fact that I would be getting more reflections off the wooden desk and the LCD. Is this an issue, or does the decoupling give such and improvement that a tiny bit of comb filtering would be nothing to worry about?
I considered the fact that I would be getting more reflections off the wooden desk and the LCD. Is this an issue, or does the decoupling give such and improvement that a tiny bit of comb filtering would be nothing to worry about?

I wouldn't say "nothing", cause I'm worrying about exactly that atm, but the good stands are a bigger improvement IMO
Yeah, I noticed the imaging get smeared a bit when I got a 23" LCD in place of the old 19". I've thought about rearanging the setup but there's not much room to move and I can't stand the PC monitor being anywhere but directly in front of my listening position. Anyone have any bright ideas how to resolve that?
Wow, so I'm not the only one that hasn't figured out how to get around it. One of the other things that buggs me is that I like the LCD at eye level, which means it will be the same as the monitors at ear level, so I will be getting reflections not only from the desk and LCD but the desk extension which the LCD sits on.

Maybe I'll buy another desk so it's not so much of a worry and I'll be able to have the monitors and LCD at the same level plane and it won't be as much of an issue.
The only way to get around that issue is to get a 30" and shove it behind, or level with the monitors. Ideally hanging on the wall or something.

The best compromise is to get a decent desk (ie. none that are available anywhere near Australia) that will put the LCD below the level plane of the speakers. Currently my monitor is way in front and most certainly affecting the projection of the speakers. Fortunately the image is rock solid regardless.
Yeah, I'm thinking a larger monitor and a custom LCD stand may be the easiest way out. Though that will still leave the relflections from the desk.
Not sure just how fussy I want to get with this...
You're always going to get reflections from something. If you're really concerned, isolate the points on your desk which are first reflections with the monitors and throw some foam on them. Granted whenever you move your head even remotely from the ideal position it will defeat the point :)

Focus on the room first - desk and stands later.