Monitor Stands

That's where I was thinking of focusing my attention. I just wouldn't want it to be pointless due to a retarded placement of monitors or something haha.

Of course at this point I'm still going through alot of material to try and plan it all out in my mind. The house is ages away from even being started, let alone finished.
I know how you feel to a degree. I've got a lot of planning going on in my head, all mitigated by unresponsive suppliers and distributors. Wondering how to tackle the various issues of working professionally in a residential property.
I can only imagine how it is for you at this point. We both know you're fussier than I am and you're limited not only by space but by the permanent nature of some of the better methods of treatment.
Ok, so I figure it's time for a topic resurrection. Search button and all rather than making a new thread.

So like, I think I'm going to re-arrange my room soon. My desk is currently in an alcove , so there's a load of weird bass anomalies going on in here that could easily be gotten rid of just by moving the desk to a different position in my room. I have a HDTV in front of my window, which is opposite where my bed is. The TV has to stay in that position cos I watch films in bed or I can't sleep, and even then it's a 50/50 sorta thing, but it's the easiest way I can drift off, so it's staying there, because my bed can't really go anywhere else in the room.

Wanted to use my HDTV as my main computer monitor for a while now anyway and use my 19" widescreen computer monitor as a second monitor. More flexibility for gaming and mixing and such. But this would mean I'd have to get monitor stands for my KRK's since my desk is really small and it's already a struggle to fit my speakers and my 19" monitor on this desk. This also means I can get my speakers at ear level, which would also be awesome.

But yeah, long story short, affordable speaker stands anyone? And I mean AFFORDABLE. Mega tight budget. I'm not quite as fussy about filling stuff with sand as Ermz or Lasse, but if there's anything fairly cheap that would give me the ability to do so then it's more than welcome.
Or ideas for custom speaker stands or ikea hacks and such? Anything's welcome \m/
Affordable you say?

I've got a pair of these:


not bad for £30!!!
Look like my quicklock monitor stand:lol:

I couple my monitor stand with some auralex pad. Perfect for my little yammy!
Yup, I have those too (though mine are On-stage stands), with my monitors on a pair of recoil stablizers on them, I can't see why anyone would need anything better! (they are slightly wobbly when I'm tapping my foot or whatnot, but I hear absolutely zero distortion/stereo image smear/whatever so I doubt that's really an issue, and I'd say they only sway side to side a maximum of maybe .5-.75" in each direction)
We also used them, from Wanted to get the Genelec brand ones - 50 euros each just for the damn mounting plate, and then 120 each for the stands. Or....these ones for like, 50-60. Ok, maybe they are a bit flimsy. Something that still is almost a none-issue the one or two times per month I'm even close to them.
Yeah, part of the flimsiness is from the weak point where the vertical pole comes in perpendicular to the base, but I think the majority comes from my floor

also jonesy, dem stands look noooyce indeed
was also doing some searching for DIY stand designs and I found one that looks pretty cool, so I may well construct some :) if i do i will post a picstory and such
i might get a set of those other stands too to compare