i'm very very very tired today.

do not squeeze a lime into your drink any time soon.

working at a library = many paper cuts

working at an ice cream/coffee shop (lime rickies) = much lime squeezing

my life is hell.
yeah, i work there part-time, generally one night a week.

it's fun and not too hard and it makes me the money i spend on food. the coworkers are good--they're mostly super-nice BC girls, since it's right across the street from BC--and i get free ice cream (which i don't eat, blech) and free coffee (which i didn't drink for years but i have started in the past few months).

and the owner is nice and Greek and i might visit his home when i go to Greece next summer!
ok here is me coming in to work with one of my friends who works there. you can see the store in the background pretty well:


(i scribbled over the phone number)
i wouldn't. i get a free one on my birthday (they're $33.95) and i always just give it away to a group of ravenous friends.

i should work at an Indian restaurant or Whole Foods or something.