Imaginaerum - The Movie

Well, Tuomas did say himself that this wasn't "blockbuster" material. 4 million Euros sounds like a lot, but the mega-budget films probably spend that much in catering alone. :lol: In other words, I certainly didn't expect Robert DeNiro-type acting. I think the movie turned out well, considering the circumstances. I have seen much worse from those "big-budget" films. But I am not really a movie buff, so maybe I am not one to say. If the story is good, I can overlook the minor details that would normally take away from the viewing enjoyment of those who watch far more films than I do. ;) Honestly, I tried not to have any expectations at all going into the movie, because I didn't want to be disappointed, or set myself up for this to be the greatest movie I'd ever seen. I was pleasantly surprised, but maybe it's because I didn't go into it expecting one thing or another. I can't say.
I really, really enjoy this film. Before it was released, I was kind of expecting it to be terrible. I watch a lot of movies, especially B-grades and Z-grades, and I was expecting it to fall into the "You tried" category. The budget wasn't a good start, and the trailers didn't do it any justice. However, I've watched it about 3 times now and I enjoy it more and more every time I do so. There's so many details hidden in this film... I find more each time I watch it.

I can indeed confirm that it's loved by non-Nightwish fans. ^_^ I've watched it with a fellow Nightwish fan, someone who listens to them from time to time but doesn't care about them a great deal, and two people who don't know the band from a bar of soap. My fellow Nightwish fan absolutely loved it, as did one of the two who had never seen it. Both had a ball of a time following the story, and one of them kind of made it his personal mission to work things out before the movie showed them. The other non-fan seemed to like it, but admitted she didn't really understand the narrative. And the guy who sort of listens to them hated the movie, but he hates most things. :lol:

Over-all it's absolutely stunning. They did a lot with their small budget, and while the acting isn't the greatest, some parts are done phenomenally. I especially loved Joanna Noyes' performance. She brings so much charm and character to the role of Ann, I honestly couldn't see anyone else playing her.

Perhaps sometime I'll write up a proper review, however right now my scatterbrain can't think that much, so I'll leave it there for now. :dopey:
Thanks C. ^_^ I'll probably have watched it at least 5 times by the end of the year. I don't want to over-watch it, but it has so many goodies I wonder if I still have yet to notice. The interesting thing about this movie I find is that they portray a child's mind so well, that it almost feels like a children's film in its own right... there's just a scene or two which makes hat a problematic idea. xP And I really like how those scenes break the childhood feel, it works so well with the narrative. I'm rambling a little because I'm tired, but I just can't get over how much I love this film.
I'm rather the movie buff myself, and that's what made me so worried about the film before I watched it. Though all my worries were quickly washed away during the opening scene. It really was a nice surprise, brilliant from beginning to end.