
Caelum Adustum

Call me Ishmael
Jul 12, 2003
What is everyone's opinion of immigrants? (People only from Scandinavia)

I plan to possibly move to northern Norway later in life, but I worry about being killed by some crazy national socialist or something. My main reason for wanting to go is the nature there, and the language is so beautiful, not to mention I am very fascinated with the culture, mythology and history and such things, so I obviously don't plan on being one of those who "destroys the culture", and I obviously am no "hip hopper."

Just curious... :)
well i guess if you move to northern norway that you'll move to a pretty small society? if that's the case i think one can expect a lot more prejudice and suspision than if you where to move to the southern more southern parts. but most likely it wont be a problem. if you have an interest in the culture etc you've got a good start, quite opposite to: lets say, beeing a muslim that dresses "weirdly" and sits in his house a prays most of the day :)
I agree with Spaffe...

If you move to the north, like really far up north...people have lots of predjudices...they grow up that way and esspecially now in Sweden people are depressed by the foul way Sweden is run, we get angry at our politicians for not doing a job well done, for a system that no longer works...and still it feels as if they toss out loads of money on welfare to immigrants who come here, work for a few months and then lay back and live on every welafre they can get which are ALOT of welfares...that makes us angry, very angry, some immigrants dont do that, but we wouldn't get that picture unless a lot of immigrants did.

There are so many problems in Sweden today and it seems the state only gives money to those not in need, I feel the state needs to work on the country before accepting all too many immigrants...we need a stable and good economy before we can just heave in immigrants...otherwise we'll end up like slovakia...and we've already taken a good step in that I urge you, people of sweden...please, realise that our nation is far from what it used to be...and it's terrible to see that.

Another thing is the way they cut down all the ancient forests...starting a chain reaction in nature...bleh..oh well

My tip is, if you want to move to scandinavia, move to the south...people aren't as angry there...but I'd wish we'd get control of our nation before people moved in..*sigh*
I want to to move to Sweden in a few years(only when I got some good money to buy a good house and something like, raise a family). But I think i'll move to the south first, cause the weather is not so rough, and in a few years i'll move to the north. I think it's better that way, or i'll freeze to death.