Immigration from Russia

i immigrated from Soviet Union in 90' to Israel...
and there's no really problem finding job if you just know where to look and if you are willing to work.

are you immigrating to Israel or somethin?
First of all, if your mother is Jewish them you have a legal right to apply for your jewish citizenship, if you have some jewish roots but your mom is not jewish. You have to go Israel and spent 2 years in the army then you will get passport without any probz as well. I know that working visa is very hard to get in Israel... :yuk:
Ya toje v devanostom v israel imigrireval...
Tut ruskie vse zahvotili... Ruskie daje v pravitelstve nahodatsa... oni vezde... tut kak rabo4ih ruskih lubat... problem ne budet s rabotoii... ti na4ni lu4e ivrit u4it...
a v armiyu uje ne na dva a na 3 goda... eto dev4onok na 2 zaberayut
just come to turkey if you wanna vegetate with the lackness of money if ya really gotto migrate somewhere. here are already thousands of russians are employing here in such places like antalya etc. and i wish one day, we'll have a diffrent kind of race in future which is mixed with ya russians :D
Ya Toje s ukraini.. Ya s kieva...
A... raz tebye 30 let togda mojet tolko na paru mesatzov.. 'miluim' nazivaetsa...

I didn't know anyone here, exept colddarknord were russian. so kewl.
"Miluim" eto vizov rezervistov na 20-30 dney v god...

This has officially become a russian Orphaned Land forum...
I'm so fucking proud...