Impersonate Another Forum Member (2nd edition)

Something must have gone bad in the Black Metal thread. I'd imagine after Dodens told Alter that he doesn't care about him and generally tries to ignore him that Alter got unjustifiably bitchy and posted something deemed as a banable offense.

:cool:good times
This is getting pretty funny. Also, if more people keep doing it, it will seem like less people are posting, but it's still the same amount.
I'd say the fun is constantly rising like a rollercoaster. Boy will it be funny when we reach the top. If we're lucky we will get to buy photos of our faces as we go downwards after.
Is anyone actually impersonating other forum members?
Nobody's actually acting like anyone else
Also, the names and post counts give it away - if you were really cool you'd change your name to the other person's name with like a space at the end and also maybe fix your post count by spamming or deleting posts.
Then shit would be fucking confusing.