Importance of Reviews

Spectacular Views said:
Pitchfork Media gave Rilo Kiley rather mediocre scores and Saves the Days STay What You Are got only 1/10 so what the hell do they know!

they're been giving high marks to recent boris releases so i had to toss all my boris album ;_;
Opinions don't mean shit to me. Opinions are like assholes everybody has one so I just listen to something and if I like it, I like it if I don't, I don't.
Boru said:
Opinions don't mean shit to me. Opinions are like assholes everybody has one so I just listen to something and if I like it, I like it if I don't, I don't.

ah, no :erk:
i still read lots of reviews, mostly from and

unfortunately reviews seem a thing of the past since we have people who will rate the worth of an album by downloading it
95% of metal reviews are so appallingly shit. i mean 95% of professional movie/literary critics are pretty bad, but obviously metal is a totally different kettle of faeces. that said, i love reading anyone who writes about music with creativity and insight and wit. shame these people are few and far between.

edit: lol the timebird
Did I even post in this thread aside from bumping it?

Due to the fact that I don't download, I have to admit that I put a lot of stock into reviews written by certain people. I'm very selective about whose opinion I trust, however. If there's a review written by a person that I don't know in which it's not made clear where his preference lies, I'll look up other reviews he's written to get a better idea of how our views on music line up. Obviously I feel that good reviews provide a lot of value for a number of reasons, or else I wouldn't write them myself. It not only allows you to express your own ideas about an album, thereby perhaps understanding it better yourself, in addition to informing others of what is good or bad about an album, but it also has the potential to open up a dialogue and create a paradigm for understanding the importance, influence, context, sound, composition, atmosphere, or some other specific factor of an album.
I read a lot of reviews. I really hate people that have a certain mindset going into a review (mostly occurring on Encyclopaedia Metallum). For example, they give the album 0%... you know they hate the band/album before going in.. so why fucking bother. Try and be subjective.

I mainly use reviews to find new quality bands.
I read a lot of reviews. I really hate people that have a certain mindset going into a review (mostly occurring on Encyclopaedia Metallum). For example, they give the album 0%... you know they hate the band/album before going in.. so why fucking bother. Try and be subjective.

I totally agree. Thats one of the main reasons i dont read reviews because most of the reviews for the bands i listen to are written by people who dont actually like the band. Someone who thinks a band like Trivium (for example) is the best band ever cant write a serious and decent review for Limbonic Art (for example) but they still do and they all seem to end up on Encyclopaedia Metallum. I tend not to read many reviews anyway. And if i ever find myself reading a review its because im looking for reviews to add to a wikipedia article. I listen to a few songs on youtube first to see if i like a band or not. I would rather have my own opinion on something rather than believe what some other randomer thinks about it.
Agree with the posts made back in '06. A personal recommendation is a bazillion times better. If I do go reading reviews when looking for a new band, I'll also spend the time to read the reviewers other work for consistency.

I hate when a review tries to be TO positive, and I hate when they try to be to funny, although they can be a fun read, gets in the way of talking about the actual tunes/mood of the album.