Did I even post in this thread aside from bumping it?
Due to the fact that I don't download, I have to admit that I put a lot of stock into reviews written by certain people. I'm very selective about whose opinion I trust, however. If there's a review written by a person that I don't know in which it's not made clear where his preference lies, I'll look up other reviews he's written to get a better idea of how our views on music line up. Obviously I feel that good reviews provide a lot of value for a number of reasons, or else I wouldn't write them myself. It not only allows you to express your own ideas about an album, thereby perhaps understanding it better yourself, in addition to informing others of what is good or bad about an album, but it also has the potential to open up a dialogue and create a paradigm for understanding the importance, influence, context, sound, composition, atmosphere, or some other specific factor of an album.