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Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Greetings guys/girls,

We, the moderators and administrators would like to thank you all for participating in discussion surrounding Opeth these many years. Opeth are now a prominent name in the metal underground and that couldn't have happened without the support of an outstanding fanbase.

Now, to get to issues at hand:

Due to popular demand, we, the moderators have congregated and drawn up an official list of guidelines that the Opeth forum operates under. As well as this, we are sure you will notice that there is now an official general music discussion sub-forum. We understand that there have been many ambiguities and inconsistencies in the past, and we hope to rectify that.

This will be laid out in a simple, easy to understand, point-by-point format. If there is a particular thing that you are unclear about, we encourage you to get in contact with us and ask.

Forum-Specific Guidelines

Opeth Forum

All chat in this forum is to be related to Opeth in some way.

Non-Opeth Music Chat Forum

For all music chat not related to Opeth.

General Guidelines

Self-promotion: If you have the intention of promoting your band, or any band in particular, without incentive as to discussion/debate, you should post in *this* thread. If self-promotion material is posted any where else that isn't somehow relevant to a conversation, it will be considered SPAM.

SPAM: Whilst this can at times be a vague term, we trust that you all have the common sense to gauge what is appropriate and what is not. Some things that fall under the SPAM category are: wasteful threads/posts with no discernible purpose, repeatedly posting the same message over and over, repeatedly adding nothing of worth to a conversation, posting repeatedly using internet slang with no contribution of value etc. SPAMMING is not allowed.

Trolling: Constant personal attacks on members, repeatedly adding nothing of worth, establishing an antagonistic online persona are all traits of your common forum troll. As with SPAM, the term can at times be vague and mis-used, but we trust that you know what behaviour is beneficial to the community and what isn't. Trolling is not allowed.

Bootlegs: By the request of, the posting of live Opeth bootlegs from any shows is forbidden. It is alright to post small, (3-4 minute max) clips to show a particular segment of a show, but the posting of entire shows or songs is not.

Piracy: Piracy discussion is strictly forbidden here.

Pornography: Pornography of any kind is strictly forbidden here.

Personal Attacks: If you criticize the character or viewpoints of a person/band/group, please do so with constructive insight. If you attack someone or something simply for the sake of attacking, you will have broken the rules.

Judgement: We reserve the right at any time to amend or alter these guidelines to suit the situation at hand. Keep in mind that these points are all guidelines, and should be treated as such. The final judge of any particular scenario is the discretion of the moderator or administrator who deals with it.


Now you may ask, what happens if I break any of these rules? Well, depending on the severity of your infringement, one of the following may happen:

Verbal warning: We will delete/amend the material you have posted and give you a verbal warning either in the thread or via PM (or both) that you have crossed a line and should not do so again.

Temporary ban:
You will be banned from a period anywhere from a day up to a month, depending on the severity of the infringement.

Revoked Opeth forum access: You will be denied access to the Opeth forum.

Permanent ban: Your account will be permanently banned from

Final Words

We encourage you all to use the 'report bad post' function to indicate to us where people have crossed the line. This will alert, Mr Samsara and myself simultaneously.

We have tried to make this list as comprehensive and as general as possible. You must keep in mind that context-specific scenarios demand context-specific action. As such, the final frontier is always our judgement. We trust that you will stick by these guidelines and continue to support this great community and add to the discussion happening here.

The moderator team.
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