Important SymX related question!!!

MC Pee pants said:
Zach (zack?)! You left right as I joined. We went to the same high school. I was a freshman when you were a senior, but I was friends with James farley, and Tyler, Tom and Matt. I don't drink, but I just thought I'd say that.

Right the first time (Zach). Hit me up on AIM sometime. AbrasiveZach.
Top Beers

1. Sleeman Cream Ale(Canada)
2. Molson Black Ice(Canada)
3. Carlsberg(Denmark)
4. Warsteiner(Germany)
5. Peroni(Italy)
6. Heineken(Belgium)- Out the bottle though![cold!]
7. Hobgoblin by Wychwood Ale(England)
8. John Smith's Extra Smooth(England)
9. Newcastle(England)
10. Kingfisher(India)

For the United States selections; if I can't pick microbrews or specialty brews; I drink Pabst Blue Ribbon as almost all American beer is all shit anyway!

For liquor, I drink Absinthe and Wild Turkey Honey when I'm able.
theodyssey said:
Currently, i'm rockin' the Alaskan Amber (don't know how far it's exported, but it's good).
I hear that. I first had this when I was in Alaska last summer, and it's since become one of my favorites. As for others, my list probably goes something like this:

1. Guinness
2. Sam Adams Cherry Wheat
3. Pete's Strawberry Blonde
4. Newcastle
5. Alaskan Amber

Nevertheless, I think Ben Franklin put it best: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Well said...well said, indeed. To beer! :kickass:

I JUST THINK ITS STUPID TO DRINK SORRY! but i do have to admit after watching stratovarius at the galaxy and seeing them poor beer all over themselves and jens drinking one after a song just chuggin it away it looked pretty good. he he
I'm 16 and drink.. a little...
Has anybody ever gotten so drunk that they started a fight with the paper towel dispensor in the bathroom? What? That wasn't me. He started it! (Shhh!!! Don't tell anybody, but I really did! ;) )
Diebels, but I can't get it in America, so I drink Warestiner Dunkel.

Hard stuff = vodka (Finlandia) and Johnnie Walker Red Label (cause I'm cheap and Red is meant to be mixed, for those times when Im not in the mood to have it straight). I'm also partial to margaritas with a huge mexican food dinner :D.

And I do like me some mead whenever I can find it...
ptah knemu said:
I'm 16 and drink.. a little...
Has anybody ever gotten so drunk that they started a fight with the paper towel dispensor in the bathroom? What? That wasn't me. He started it! (Shhh!!! Don't tell anybody, but I really did! ;) )

That sounds like something you do on acid not from alcohol ;)

I've gotten really really really shitfaced in my time (and I've only really been drinking for 2 years or so now, since I turned 21). SOme people on this forum have been around me while I was really really really shitfaced. Some people, like Jax, have even seen video evidence of my drunk antics...we'll just say, Im no Russell Allen by any stretch of the imagination ;)

But Ptah, since you are young, I will give you some advice...try not to get too drunk around people with any sort of video or photographic camera :p
Yngvai X said:
That sounds like something you do on acid not from alcohol ;)

I've gotten really really really shitfaced in my time (and I've only really been drinking for 2 years or so now, since I turned 21). SOme people on this forum have been around me while I was really really really shitfaced. Some people, like Jax, have even seen video evidence of my drunk antics...we'll just say, Im no Russell Allen by any stretch of the imagination ;)

But Ptah, since you are young, I will give you some advice...try not to get too drunk around people with any sort of video or photographic camera :p

The only camera around was never near me the entire time, so I knew that. And, also, it happened kinda fast. One drink turned into 5 pretty fast. (And it was only like my 3rd time, so yeah.)
im more of a real ale man...fav's atm are Hobgoblin and Black witch by wychwood brewery, 6X, Ruddles County, and Adnam's Broadside :)

(or guinness when im hungry/low on iron ^_^)
Beelzebub said:
Red Label tastes pretty good with coke (a-cola). What do you mix it with?

Coke, like you said, or sometimes club soda.

Also another one of my favorite mixed drinks is a submarine, which is a shot of vodka into a glass of beer. 3-4 of those and you're really toasted.
Prismatic Sphere said:
For liquor, I drink Absinthe and Wild Turkey Honey when I'm able.

Where do you find your absinthe? I had it in Germany and would like to get a bottle for myself. I found a website that sells it (legally, because they're based in Canada) called "extreme absinthe" but I don't know how good it is, so I was wondering if maybe you've heard of it?
College has introduced me to the world of drinking. I've tried all the expensive beers like Oktober Fest, Yuengling, and some other one I can't think of the name. But for some reason, the cheap beer always appeals to me. Miller, in particular is my favorite, I don't know why. My friends go out and buy all this expensive shit, but I'm perfectly content with my tasty cheap beer :)

As far as liquor, I hate it straight. Sure it gets you drunk quicker, but it leaves a fucking nasty aftertaste, not to mention it just stings your face. Rum and coke or hunch punch with everclear is what I like.

Funny story with hunch punch. Went to a party with 2 friends and we drank hunch punch for a couple hours. The next morning friend 1 is in jail and friend 2 is in the hospital getting 30 stitches. The details of what actually happened are just so unbelievable :)