Importing/exporting vocals/instruments question


Sep 24, 2009
Hey, When sending out a track to have additional recording and or editing done to it, should you send the tempo map with it? (if it was a stereo mix down)

I am asking this because I needed to send a track out for guest vocals and when i got the vocals back in the parts where the tempo changed, the vocals where either to fast or to slow for the tempo change and with how ever much editing i did, the vocals sounded totally weird and not natural. Now the sample rate was correct (24/44.1k) but i didn't send the tempo information over because it wasn't requested. I use PT and the vocals where recorded in Reaper. Would this possibly have something to do with it? I wouldn't think it does.

I've never dealt with this before.

So should you:

- Should he bounce the vocals down
- Should he consolidate regions and send to me?

if he couldn't sing his parts in time to a stereo mixdown of the music no tempo map in the world is gonna help him ... he just sucks at timing and either you need to have him redo the parts that are fucked, get better at vocal editing or hire me to edit them properly for you :)
Timing is not the problem with the performance. The vocals are recorded fine to the stereo mixdown, it's when i import the wav's into my daw and i drag the consolidated vocal tracks through the tempo changes, the vocals become to slow or to fast for that part.
That happens in Reaper if you have the track timebase set to "beats" instead of time, I don't know if something similar happens in PT, but look into it. Reaper adjusts the playback rate of a track to match it to the tempo marker, it can effectively timestretch the track to match any tempo changes you assign if done well.
^ This is what seems to be happening. Skinny, How do i tell if i have something like that enabled?
Well in PT you would see that EA is activated on your track or you'd see the warp markers on the regions but if you're on a different DAW I can't help much or offer much in the way of suggestions