Impulse Music is moving!

I'll miss Impulse. I haven't been going there as much lately due to lack of funds but it was a great store. I got turned on to quite a few bands there just by walking in and hearing what they had blasting through the speakers. Sad day for Chicago as another Metal store shuts it's doors.
Steve and Impulse will stick around. Steve has worked on his online/mailorder/store-front business since the 80's, starting here in Minneapolis. Steve's wife is an Accountant and Steve's always toyed with the idea of going into real estate. They are moving to Colorado for that reason but he is still going to try and keep his store open. Steve offered to sell it to us about 6 months ago, all the inventory and location if we wanted. Over time and running a business, even a cool CD business, it takes it's toll. Retail is a hard thing and it often seems like people are alway pointing at the retailers for one reason or another. Rest assured Steve is in no financial problems and owning a store front is smart in a specialty/niche' market. His rent is low and he's done great. We bought from him as kids. Ha Ha.

In any case, I tell Steve he will not be so fat if he move far away from Portillo's. I am sure Impulse can rock in the same state as NEH, an probably bring the masses to boot.

Zane / Cd Inzane LLC /Minneapolis
I don't think anyone is pointing fingers at retail stores.
Everyone feels for retailers, esp music retailers.
It has to be tough.
I mean, how do you make a niche?
Nothing is rare or hard-to-find anymore, with the internet. Most of the time, you can pre-order a new release direct from the label for very inexpensive.

Granted, it is always fun to find something at a CD store, as opposed to simply clicking and buying.

I suppose it's the whole, "The chase is better than the catch" mentality.

I used to be a SEVERE vinyl collector.
It would be great to make a "find" at a used vinyl shop or a record convention.
Once eBay came around, you could get literally anything as long as you were willing to pay.

Needless to say, the thrill of collecting diminished for me drastically, as there was much less glory in "clicking and purchasing" as opposed to driving many miles across many cities (even states, which I have done) to go record shopping.

Sorry if I got off-track a bit, but I think it speaks to how the internet has changed people's music buying habits (Which I know is obvious at this point)
Steve told me today! they already have a store front in Colorado Springs.They are moving because they have family there and it will be cheaper to run the store there. there will be a lapse of 4 days between closing and re-opening. This move will happen in 2 weeks.........This is THE TRUTH...Just hung up with Steve. Steve says thank you all for the support over the years and they are in their 16th year and plan on going on as long as they can.
I've also heard rumors in the past couple of days of a store in the works opening on the northwest side of Chicago in the lines of Impulse Music and not like Metal Haven.
Well yes and no. Real estate (storefront) leasing or renting right now would be at its prime. With all the stores closing and landlords having storefronts vacant for long periods of time they are trying to get tenants in by slashing the rent. I do agree that it would be hard to open a music store with cd's. But if this person does their research, advertises properly, and brings in the inventory to fulfill the niche, who's to say they wont succeed?
I was going to go there on Saturday for one last hurrah, but I just found a couple cd's online for cheap from a different vendor instead.

Consider it my thank you for electing to move the store away from the Chicago area. :)
Well, joke or not, you bring up an excellent point.
If there is a CD I want, I could easily purchase it online, and have it in my mailbox, before I would probably make it to the store.
Furthermore, I would probably pay a few bucks less than the retailer would be charging.
Well, joke or not, you bring up an excellent point.
If there is a CD I want, I could easily purchase it online, and have it in my mailbox, before I would probably make it to the store.
Furthermore, I would probably pay a few bucks less than the retailer would be charging.

I agree with you, but the one cool thing that Impulse had was they would carry the stuff that that was released in Europe sometimes months before it was released in the US. On top of that, they would not charge an arm and a leg for them like you would sometimes do if you were buying them online. Metal Haven is also good for that kind of stuff too sometimes, but like said before, that place is so unorganized sometimes. At least you could usually find what you were looking for at Impulse.

Don't mean any offense Jasonic. Not taking any shots whatsoever. :rock:

I will be making my last and final trip there this Saturday to try to stock up on cd's from the Prog Power Bands!!!!
I have gotten many Nuc Blast releases months before the Euro or US pressings, as they first (for whatever reason) are released on SCARECROW records out of Mexico, which Impulse always carries. They are VERY poor quality digipacks, but they are inexpensive, and available eariler on.

Also, it's a lot more enticing to see a CD on a store shelf than to see it online, but it's the way it is.
I have gotten many Nuc Blast releases months before the Euro or US pressings, as they first (for whatever reason) are released on SCARECROW records out of Mexico, which Impulse always carries. They are VERY poor quality digipacks, but they are inexpensive, and available eariler on.

Also, it's a lot more enticing to see a CD on a store shelf than to see it online, but it's the way it is.

I agree! The Scarecrow records which are great and early are poorly made. I have noticed recently that some of their releases are now available in jewel cases. Complants must have come in.
that or they ran out of the cheap glue that keeps thier digi's together.

Ha! Yeah, I think the tray is semi-dislocated from the digipack on every SCARECROW release I have. I guess that's how they keep costs low.

I do find it odd that some major metal releases first come out on a small relatively unknown label from Mexico. I always assumed these were legit. Maybe not....

And no Q - I am NOT accusing Impulse of selling boots. Just throwing out a rhetorical question.
And no Q - I am NOT accusing Impulse of selling boots. Just throwing out a rhetorical question.

Why would I accuse you of anything? Geez. Scarecrow is a legitamate company just like Century Media, SPv, albeit smaller in size and in a different territory. I think, personally, if they were to go to all jewel cases they would do much better. The digis were most likely a cost saver for shipping (skinnier therefore you can ship more for less and they weigh less also) And all the releases from Scarecrow are fully licensed so they are given full rights to release it whenever they want. However some companies I've noticed do not stock Scarecrow products.
Q -
I agree with all your points on the benefits of the SCARECROW label. I wasn't trying to call you out. It just seems you get defensive if anyone ever questions anything related to the store.

Still though, if CM or Nuc Blast licenses the release to SCARECROW, why do they give them the final product so long before they plan on releasing it themselves? I wonder if these labels want to see how the product sells in smaller territories first? Almost like a pre-release?