Crazy on a ship of fools
- Dec 11, 2002
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I don't think anyone is pointing fingers at retail stores.
Everyone feels for retailers, esp music retailers.
It has to be tough.
I mean, how do you make a niche?
Nothing is rare or hard-to-find anymore, with the internet. Most of the time, you can pre-order a new release direct from the label for very inexpensive.
Granted, it is always fun to find something at a CD store, as opposed to simply clicking and buying.
I suppose it's the whole, "The chase is better than the catch" mentality.
I used to be a SEVERE vinyl collector.
It would be great to make a "find" at a used vinyl shop or a record convention.
Once eBay came around, you could get literally anything as long as you were willing to pay.
Needless to say, the thrill of collecting diminished for me drastically, as there was much less glory in "clicking and purchasing" as opposed to driving many miles across many cities (even states, which I have done) to go record shopping.
Sorry if I got off-track a bit, but I think it speaks to how the internet has changed people's music buying habits (Which I know is obvious at this point)
Great post that mirrors my thoughts as well...the thrill of the chase (and the ultimate find) is goes on, I guess!
Rock on!