Impulses...Pleaase explain


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
OK i have searched and read about these and got the pristine plugin I read you need to run them.

I just need some explaining I'm real lost on these things and what exactly i need to do and what they are for just a cab eq setting??

Do i record my cab then just load setting into thing and also how the hell do you load them it seems not to work for me!!

Sorry for the noooooooob question but these things sound pretty cool and heard some great guitar tones with them :headbang: :headbang:
You have to load the impulse on pristine/boogex and run your signal thru that plugin on your DAW ( cubase, sonar, logic, protools, etc).
Many ppl record their heads( or Pods, with the cab sims off) from the line out of the amp to a DI to the soundcard, aplying the impulses then.
in theory, an Impulse is a short audio file that has captured the frequency response of something... be it a Room, or Cab.

Use a Convolution Plugin (i.e. Convolution Reverb) like Pristine Space, AFImpulse or BoogEx. If you're using Cab impulses, then you track a DI from the amp's output and use the Impulse in place of the Mic'd cab.

Here's over 200 of my Stereo Cab impulses...

Keiffer's Cab Impulses

Thank's for posting this. I too was a little confused on the whole impulse deal but the clip's I've heard sound fantastic.
From what I gather, you can use it to emulate micing a cab. You either DI your head using the Line out or if you are using something like a Podxt, you disable cab emulation and apply the impulses using one of the plugins. I may be completely wrong but that's how I'm seeing it.
Basically it EQ's the signal exactly the way that the real elements (power amp-cab-mic) 'eq' it.

Just to understand it:
Test tone(0-20,000 Hz) goes through the chain, you record that.
Now visually compare what you recorded it to the test tone-- you have a visual representation of what frequencies come through strong in that chain, and the ones that barely make it at all. You've mapped it out in a sense. That contains the information that tells you that, for example - every 100% of 3748Hz that goes into that chain (poweramp-cab-mic), 78% comes out... or 22% is lost. Running the sweeping test tone give you a reading for every point in the spectrum.

The plug-ins/impulse software more or less do the math and apply the eq I guess. And it's perfectly accurate.
a An impelling force; an impetus.
b The motion produced by such a force.
2 A sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination: had an impulse to run away; an impulse of regret that made me hesitate; bought a hat on impulse.
3 A motivating force or tendency: “Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men” (Bertrand Russell).
4 Electronics. A surge of electrical power in one direction.
5 Physics. The product obtained by multiplying the average value of a force by the time during which it acts. The impulse equals the change in momentum produced by the force in this time interval.
6 Physiology. The electrochemical transmission of a signal along a nerve fiber that produces an excitatory or inhibitory response at a target tissue, such as a muscle or another nerve. :devil:
Keiffer said:
in theory, an Impulse is a short audio file that has captured the frequency response of something... be it a Room, or Cab.

Use a Convolution Plugin (i.e. Convolution Reverb) like Pristine Space, AFImpulse or BoogEx. If you're using Cab impulses, then you track a DI from the amp's output and use the Impulse in place of the Mic'd cab.

Here's over 200 of my Stereo Cab impulses...

Keiffer's Cab Impulses

Thanks for posting these man. I just tested some of them out using my guitarport with cab emulation off and they actually sound pretty sweet. I can't wait to test them out with my XXX :headbang: .
taylor666 said:
From what I gather, you can use it to emulate micing a cab. You either DI your head using the Line out or if you are using something like a Podxt, you disable cab emulation and apply the impulses using one of the plugins. I may be completely wrong but that's how I'm seeing it.

or you can use the Impulse with a Distortion Pedal Output. I've found my Sans Amp GT2 can sound pretty good with an Impulse applied.
It's not just the frequency response. Further it's the response to one ("delta") "click" (delta impulse). Coz this could destroy the gear it's recorded using a test tone and compare them (deconvolution) and recreate the impulse response...
If you convolute (doing some math/calculation) a signal with the impulse response you get the same response (in linear aproximation!! -> that means no distortion etc. can be simulated using impulses) as you get if you would send the signal thru the origninal system.