So I saw In Flames for the first time yesterday at Heavy MTL, a festival here in Montreal (first day was Mayhem plus a few other bands). They were amazing!
Definitely my favourite show of the day. Machine Head was awesome too, my second place. Anyway, it was pretty much everything I expected. Anders was funny, it sounded great and the crowd was into it. The setlist was:
Cloud Connected
Pinball Map
Deliver Us
The Hive
Only for the Weak
Where the Dead Ships Dwell
The Mirror's Truth
The Quiet Place
Take This Life
I think I messed up the middle a bit but the start and end is right. Looking at a few other Mayhem setlists I wasn't expecting OFTW so that was a great surprise. The Mirror's Truth I wasn't expecting either, it was great too. I love how before they started The Hive, Anders said "if you don't know this song, you don't know In Flames". I was one of the few there rocking an older shirt, saw one other Colony shirt like mine and Whoracle shirt.
My neck is really sore now, between them and Machine Head. Was such a great experience. Could have done with a different closer than Take This Life, but still, for my first time seeing them, it was amazing. Anyone else feel free to describe your first IF show or any of the current Mayhem shows so far!

Cloud Connected
Pinball Map
Deliver Us
The Hive
Only for the Weak
Where the Dead Ships Dwell
The Mirror's Truth
The Quiet Place
Take This Life
I think I messed up the middle a bit but the start and end is right. Looking at a few other Mayhem setlists I wasn't expecting OFTW so that was a great surprise. The Mirror's Truth I wasn't expecting either, it was great too. I love how before they started The Hive, Anders said "if you don't know this song, you don't know In Flames". I was one of the few there rocking an older shirt, saw one other Colony shirt like mine and Whoracle shirt.
My neck is really sore now, between them and Machine Head. Was such a great experience. Could have done with a different closer than Take This Life, but still, for my first time seeing them, it was amazing. Anyone else feel free to describe your first IF show or any of the current Mayhem shows so far!