IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

Damn, YT Likes/Dislikes for OFTW rerecording are not good :D


Pinball Map:




Bullet Ride:


So, of these OFTW is by some distance the worst received. Clayman is in second place which surprises me a bit, but it may have been disadvantaged by being the first one out of the gate (and it also has a lot more views & votes, skewering the data somewhat) whilst Bullet Ride and Pinball Map have a roughly 1:3 Ratio of Dislike to Like.
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The problem is Anders waited until fucking Battles to have vocal lessons, about 20 years too late - and ironically he is more autotuned on this album than any album beforehand. So yes, might as well have not bothered with those lessons and just recruited autotune machine as a live touring member.
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The problem is Anders waited until fucking Battles to have vocal lessons, about 20 years too late - and ironically he is more autotuned on this album than any album beforehand. So yes, might as well have not bothered with those lessons and just recruited autotune machine as a live touring member.
He wanted to sound good in front of senpai.

Listen to my voice Mr. Benson! I sound good, right Mr. Benson? Listen to my voice!
The thing that pisses me off about the autotune on Battles and ITM is he's singing confidently like on the old records, but with a new technique unlike the more reserved technique on Siren Charms that I personally appreciate despite it being VERY hit and miss. I think minus the godaweful autotune there are some good performances and takes (Not so much talking the rerecords but ITM here because the rerecords adon't deserve my time) but once again we go full circle to the problem being Howard Bbenson, surprise surprise. Take the verses on Follow Me - they to me sound good and classic Anders but have that crazy autotune on, which must be an intentional effect as it's different to the autotune in the chorus (which also needed turning down but hey)
Thanks for that Jesper interview link, great interview and interesting information. I'm glad to finally know Goliath Disarms Their Davids wasn't recorded at a separate session from the album, was never sure if it was or not.
It's not Anders' singing that's bad, it's the autotune. I mean, yeah, he fucking butchered OFTW, but the rest of the tracks could sound decent if not for this shitty filter.
It's not Anders' singing that's bad, it's the autotune. I mean, yeah, he fucking butchered OFTW, but the rest of the tracks could sound decent if not for this shitty filter.

Well, Anders' singing IS still objectively bad, as all his live performances prove, but most of us can accept Anders' natural singing for what it is. The excessive autotuning however is legitimately irritating and needs to stop. It isn't making him sound better, it's just making a bad situation even worse.
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I don't understand why people keeps on blaming Benson for doing his job.

What is he supposed to do? Tell Anders to stop "singing" and denounced the use of autotunes in the music industry as the fakery that it is?

The problem is that IF main act revolves around Anders voice. That is, the bet on the less talented member of the band. The main purpose of the songs is the vocal part.

That's clearly a mistake as it is a mistake for people to keep telling him what a great singer he is as it is a mistake for people to think that he's using autotunes only in the most evident, exaggerated, parts when he cannot sing two notes without using it.

But, for me, the main problem is how the use of fakery had been accepted by the industry and the music fans. They do not only know but also enjoy and celebrate the autotunes. That is, they enjoy and celebrate the fakery.

I really don't know if there's a way to make Anders sing without using protools but I don't think so. All of the supposed improvements that he has been doing for the last year's, and this started before Benson, have been proven lies or delusional after seeing him "sing" live. So the guy clearly does not have any talent for this but he also won't admit.

Another nice use of autotunes here. This is the kind of bands that they influence these days.

Note: Yes. Anders singing is bad.
Lol, fuck that.

It's late-90s MDM for me this afternoon :cool: Thunderbeast is such a great album - I can't believe I'd never heard of it until recently, considering it came out in 1998. It's hard to understand why Night in Gales weren't alongside IF, Arch Enemy, Soilwork, DT, etc in that first wave on Swedish MDM. They're right up there in terms of quality. I guess maybe because they were German rather than Scandanavian. A shame.
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oh you guys still jerking off to bad comments huh? thought you've get bored of it eventually.

and i love the re-recorded tracks since i listened them couple of times now. anyone who disagrees with me is brain damaged and deaf!!!
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Thanks for that Jesper interview link, great interview and interesting information. I'm glad to finally know Goliath Disarms Their Davids wasn't recorded at a separate session from the album, was never sure if it was or not.
Yeah, that was an interesting detail. What I don’t understand is why they felt it didn’t fit on the rest of Whoracle. Whoracle actually has multiple weird and slower songs. It could easily have fit on there.

I feel the song gets limited attention because it’s typically put at the end of TJR as a bonus track.
Lol, fuck that.

It's late-90s MDM for me this afternoon :cool: Thunderbeast is such a great album - I can't believe I'd never heard of it until recently, considering it came out in 1998. It's hard to understand why Night in Gales weren't alongside IF, Arch Enemy, Soilwork, DT, etc in that first wave on Swedish MDM. They're right up there in terms of quality. I guess maybe because they were German rather than Scandanavian. A shame.

Gothenburg + Studio Fredman = trve MDM

Never paid much attention to those guys, maybe I should. I see their latest album is pure metal, black/death stuff. Sounds good. Glad to see the flame keeps burning with them.
From the new Night In Gales album just released a week ago:
Here’s a few more “upbeat” songs. This first one has that late 90s vibe.

Drumming in this song is pretty insane, even if it is triggered. Can’t tell if it’s programmed, hopefully not.

Rest of the album is like a cool dark mix of modern ATG and DT, with some Insomnium maybe mixed in
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Night in Gales have a pretty strange trajectory. Up until 2000 they are basically a DT/ATG hybrid. Then they started experimenting with alt/traditional heavy metal and became kind of weird :D Nailwork is OK, I guess, but Necrodynamic is just bizarre and doesn't sound like anything they had done previously.

More like standard death metal mixed with a bit of Metallica-esque heavy metal. I guess they got tired of doing the Gothenberg MDM thing and went in a different direction. Didn't last for long though as other than releasing a random EP in 2005 which has pretty shit production, they didn't do another album for 11 years! Five Scars was more of a mixture of Nailwork & their older MDM stuff, then it was another 7 years before they released The Last Sunsets (which is basically back to their early 90s MDM sound) and now we have Dawnlight Garden which is also reminiscent of their older work, just with tighter production.

@galvanized the Thunderbeast album from 1998 was remastered and is definitely the version to pick up, sounds a fair bit better than the original release.

I also noticed their last two albums are with their original vocalist (who left before their debut album in 1997) which is another oddity. The vocalist for the 1997 - 2014 albums is now in a band called Harkon who are more like traditional heavy metal (clean vocals).

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From the new Night In Gales album just released a week ago:
Here’s a few more “upbeat” songs. This first one has that late 90s vibe.

Is it me or does this song have some pretty strong Dead Eternity vibes? Particularly at the 2 minute mark.
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God damn I love this song :cool: although I don't understand the song title in relation to the lyrics.

Perihelion - The perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet that is nearest to the sun. It is the opposite of aphelion, which is the point farthest from the sun.


:suspicious:... well, whatever. Dem growlz.
Is it me or does this song have some pretty strong Dead Eternity vibes? Particularly at the 2 minute mark.
More than vibes, sounds just about identical to that one riff. Good catch. I was waiting for the Dead Eternity solo part to start up.

God damn I love this song :cool: although I don't understand the song title in relation to the lyrics.

Perihelion - The perihelion is the point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid or comet that is nearest to the sun. It is the opposite of aphelion, which is the point farthest from the sun.

View attachment 25770

:suspicious:... well, whatever. Dem growlz.

Great song, upbeat, great dual leads. grabbing the album now.