IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

Excellent song, apart from the key shift toward the end, but that's just a taste thing. Strong chorus. Not only do I like it much more than Phantom Days, I think it gives me a better picture of how Phantom Days will fit with the overall feel of the album.

I'll be interested to see the songwriting credits for this album.
On the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th “Making Of” video (incidentally just watched those 3 yesterday) Stanne mentioned that the album was structured and “prepared” before Amott and Johan got to it. He then went on to say it was now up to them to show their skills and take it where they wanted. But I was a little disappointed because I would have preferred both of them to have even deeper and earlier writing input given their experience. Especially Johan since he has such a progressive background, he could take the songs in interesting ways. However, when I listen to Stanne talk his passion for the music, guitars, and metal in general is obvious. He really seems to be deep into the technical details of the instruments and the songs. And sounds like he was really pushing for Amott and Johan to sound “distinct” with their own unique sound. To me that’s a really good sign that even if they didn’t architect the album, the album was written to let them shine.

I do like how Phantom Days had that nice 1 minute guitar passage, was hoping to hear more of that on every song. In fact, even longer. Identical to None guitar work is more integrated into the song, doesn’t really stand out as a “solo” but still good.

New song just sounds like standard DT to me. It's fine, but nothing memorable. I prefer Phantom Days, but both songs are decent.
New song just sounds like standard DT to me. It's fine, but nothing memorable. I prefer Phantom Days, but both songs are decent.
Phantom Days solo passage is lit. I really hope there is more of that.

When the guitars totally synchronize at 3:03 I start drooling.
Identical to None has writing credits in Apple Music:

Jivarp, Johan Reinholdz, Brandstrom, Stanne

Amott is credited with the solo at 2:29
I was underwhelmed with the new song on the first listen. But when I listened to it again on the headphones I would say this is better than PD. Kind of catchy and a lot of cool guitar things going on.
Phantom Days solo passage is lit. I really hope there is more of that.

When the guitars totally synchronize at 3:03 I start drooling.

Yeah, the thing about 'Identical to None' is that there was nothing that stood out to me like, 'wow, that's cool'. It's a functional song, which DT do really well, but it doesn't strike me as being anything fresh.

I really like the pacing transitions in Phantom Days - at 00:52 for example - and how the guitars seamlessly weave throughout the entire song with the vocals. The chorus gives me some strong New Build vibes, which is one of my favourite songs from Character. That guitar passage you mention is fantastic as well.

I also feel like Stanne's vocals are more inspired in Phantom Days. They sound more robotic in Identical to None. Not bad, just... lacking the energy he used to have. It's true in Phantom Days to some extent as well, but not as much.

I guess Phantom Days gives me more of a pre-2010 DT vibe, whereas Identical to None is more of a post-2010 DT vibe.
For the record, even though I'm probably being a bit too harsh on identical to None, I still give it a solid 7.5/10 as a track. It's good. I'd put Phantom Days at maybe an 8.5. I like what I'm hearing so far, and I'm really interested to hear Moment in its entirety.
I really like how DT managed to keep their sound intact, but the new guitar duo is doing their thing as well. Progressive rhythm guitar and cool little solos and melodies.

I think this will be a solid album, but I am really interested to hear the next one.
On Identical to None, I feel like Stanne doesn’t really shine until after the solo when the instruments fade out like around 2:49.

At 2:58 he sounds like a freaking viper on the word “none!”.

Then the echoes on “forgotten” and “denied” sound awesome to me, really black metal sounding.

What should have been said, what should have been done, forgotten! (Forgotten!)

What should have been said, what should have been done, denied! (Denied!)

Dude sounds brutal and that cadence is awesome. I feel like the mix doesn’t show off his performance well enough when the guitars are going. But he is doing well.
Stanne can still produce some great vocal lines for sure, but it's more on a few words or a sentence as opposed to entire songs these days. It doesn't really bother me but it is noticeable, especially when an older song comes on straight afterwards.
Stanne can still produce some great vocal lines for sure, but it's more on a few words or a sentence as opposed to entire songs these days. It doesn't really bother me but it is noticeable, especially when an older song comes on straight afterwards.
Yeah, I would say it’s noticeable he is holding back because there are some parts that I would say would really benefit from some crazy growls or screams for variety. It’s understandable given he blew his voice out before. Interesting though that neither of these first two tracks had clean vocals either.
The music is cool. I enjoy it. But Stanne kills the song for me.

Not only his voice is boring and monotone. His lines are whatever.

New release from Soilwork. It sounds OK, although I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Speed's vocals sound excellent as usual - he's kept his voice in incredible shape over the years.

New release from Soilwork. It sounds OK, although I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Speed's vocals sound excellent as usual - he's kept his voice in incredible shape over the years.

That intro sounds really like something Dan Swano would do, both the riff and the synth line and tone. Not a bad track but the main riff outstays its welcome.
Not bad at all, but I think they are starting to mix their different projects too much for my taste.

Drumming is senseless as usual with the new guy.

Oh, and why does Soilwork always make bizarre bad music videos?
Ehhh. I like it. A slow-burning single, very melancholic, I like the main melody and the clean vocals. It's not super catchy but it's still quality. These singles so far are all a step in the right direction from Atoma.
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I like it too. Maybe the best one so far.

Video is quality. Fits the mood of the song.

Bonus points for that awesome solo.