IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

The solo is OK. Rest of the song very generic, nothing they haven't done before - and done much better.

Still looking forward to the album, but I'll be skipping this track for sure.
Definitely a band past their prime, but I'll always take more Dark Tranquillity. I like the synth on this (no surprise, as I also enjoy Brandstrom's side project Kennelklubben).

Obviously not every new album is meant to be compared to an older one, but so far Moment feels pretty Haven-esque in its meh-ness, if the singles are anything to go by. That's just me, though.
I recently saw a interview with Mikael Stanne on Blabbermouth, he was saying that they've gone different paths with IF. Yeah you guys really did actually, while you guys put out an album with a few okey tracks, IF stil kicks ass.
IF and DT are not in the same league. DT is a serious band, IF are clowns. DT released a few more than decent albums in the last decade, IF released less than 10 decent songs in the last decade.

But Ciko is just trolling. :)

Today I like The Dark Unbroken even more. The song flows seamlessly and I actually think this is the best Stanne's work we heard from his album 'till now.

I must also praise the production on this one. Everything blends in nicely, and the guitar sound is just beautiful.
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I'm also liking it now even more.

Here's the deal. People go into new DT and expect Damage Done/Fiction 101 melodeath singles with fast and snappy riffs that are instantaneously catchy. You need to readjust your expectations - at the moment I see DT having quite a lot in similar to Evergrey for an instance. It's not about the chorus, it's about the songwriting, fine blending of all parts... they are actually the masters of picking one motif/theme and driving it throughout the song without it getting boring. Take the starting melody - I've listened to the song for at least 15 times since yesterday and it still sounds great. They are simply master craftsmen when it comes to arrangements. Then you have that Soilwork single from a week ago and they failed at it already one third into the song. And I rate Soilwork quite highly mind you, even if at the moment they themselves don't know what they want to sound like.

I feel very at ease and assured about the full DT album. They know what they are doing.
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I'm not sure anyone needs to readjust their expectations - the album just probably won't be for you if you don't like any of the first three singles. I like two of them and find the newest one bland. A 2/3 success rate is still fine by me.
Here's the deal. People go into new DT and expect Damage Done/Fiction 101 melodeath singles with fast and snappy riffs that are instantaneously catchy. You need to readjust your expectations - at the moment I see DT having quite a lot in similar to Evergrey for an instance. It's not about the chorus, it's about the songwriting, fine blending of all parts... they are actually the masters of picking one motif/theme and driving it throughout the song without it getting boring.


This is why I called them the least flashy of MDM bands.

While IF makes a catchy chorus or one cool riff, Soilwork plays majestic 2 million notes per minute and ATG writes very basic but powerful tunes... DT makes songs that are more complicated from a songwriting or musical perspective, even lyrical... but because they are focused on atmosphere and building around one theme more, people think their songs are boring and simple.

Now, do I like most of the stuff from DD more... Yes. Epic MDM 101. But this single is a very well crafted song with a lot of depth and details. And to be honest, I'm not ashamed of listening it as I am with some of the cringe-fest material bands like IF release these days.
That intro sounds really like something Dan Swano would do, both the riff and the synth line and tone. Not a bad track but the main riff outstays its welcome.
Well said on the Soilwork song. The best part of the song is the ending. They started channeling some Eagles/Hotel California vibes and got even more interesting.

The last 1:30 once the main riff, the screaming, and all the classic metal trappings are gone. Especially the last 1:00 (starting ~4:35) when the bass comes in, and then at 5:03 when the synths come in. Song ended way too soon. Excellent recording production for the experimental part, I think their production suits that kind of music better than their “normal metal” sound.

It’s hard for me to get into Soilwork’s metal sound. They just don’t sound heavy to me. And they are trying to hard to be 80s now.

If Soilwork did more of that experimental stuff, I’d be all over it. Curious to see what the next songs sound like.
I'm not sure anyone needs to readjust their expectations - the album just probably won't be for you if you don't like any of the first three singles. I like two of them and find the newest one bland. A 2/3 success rate is still fine by me.
I like the new DT song for a moody, chill song. The first 2 songs are definitely more metal though. Really apparent listening to all of them back to back. The solo sounds to me like Johan, nice to hear some of his shred in there. This doesn’t change my expectations of the album at all. In fact I was waiting for a song with clean singing on it.
The new Soen single is really good. It's actually so good that I'm even willing to forgive them the retarded video of not so subtle politics. So many musicians that I like this year decided to mix politics into their work and I fucking hate it.

I don't care about musicians talking about politics. I just care about them being hypocrites. And telling people what they should be voting for.

The song sounds good. Martin Lopez is an underrated monster.
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Opinions on new DT? :)

Solid album but nothing more TBH. Good production, nice songwriting, some good songs, some new territories explored but nothing really stands out...excepts solos. Solos are awesome.

Empires Lost to Time is a very strange song for DT.
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Standstill is such a goddamn banger.

Agreed on Empires Lost to Time. I mean most of the song is fine, but that one motif/melody (you know the one) makes it sound like a Sonic Syndicate rejected idea - way too happy sounding and overall ill-fitting for the band. Makes you wonder how the hell did that slip by the band.
Make sure to get the version with the bonus tracks - both are pretty damn good. For me already a much better album than Atoma and easily on par with Construct.

I still haven't listened to it enough to dissect it properly the way it deserves but basically the only thing that I mind, actually two things - since it's easier to point out the negative bits than to give praise: one - the trend they started on We Are The Void with those silly evil sounding riffs that are neither catchy nor memorable. I don't know who writes those but they should just give up on trying it, when riff progression suddenly goes off key intentionally. And the other bit is the trend that started on Construct, when there is a dual guitar harmony/melody that is also mimicked on keyboards. Which isn't a bad idea musically as much as I don't like the stylistic choice in terms of production. They love to drown the guitars deep into the keyboard and the result is this weird hybrid of a tone that I really don't like. Great example is the chorus line for Identical to None. There is simply too much relying on these arrangement solutions for problems that don't even exist, and it was already overdone on Atoma. This is obviously way too much cherry picking but you get the idea.

Clean vocals are amazing throughout the record. Great album well deserving of proper attention.
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Very quick impressions from my first spin...

Phantom Days - 8/10
Transcient - 8/10
Identical to None - 7.5/10
The Dark Unbroken - 7/10
Remain in the Unknown - 6.5/10
Standstill - 8/10
Ego Deception - 6.5/10
A Drawn Out Exit - 6.5/10
Eyes of the World - 6.5/10
Failstate - 8/10
Empires Lost in Time - 8/10
In Truth Divided - 7.5/10
Silence as a Force - 9/10 (bonus track but it's the best song on the album, In Flames style)
Time in Relativity - 8.5/10

Production is perfect for DT's brand of music. Some great solos on the album. I really like a lot of the riffs too. Stanne's clean vocals sound good as always - his growls are fine considering his age. Not as powerful as they used to be, but still decent. Electronics are mixed really well with the rest of the music. I got some Character/Fiction vibes from various songs on the album.

Main issue with the album is the lack of variety in tempo. Would have been nice to have some faster songs in there. Instead every song except In Truth Divided is firmly mid-tempo and by the halfway point of the album a lot of the songs begin to blend together as many of them don't have enough distinguishing characteristics. yOu DoN't UnDeRsTaNd DT's TeChNiCaL bRiLLiAnCe BrO!! Yeah maybe, but a lot of those songs just sound the same to me, so whatever. I listen to music for memorable melodies, not to analyse at a technical level like some kind of math problem.

For me the album starts strong (Phantom Days - Identical to None), goes through a bit of a lull in the middle where everything sounds either samey or not hugely interesting (The Dark Unbroken - Eyes of the World, excluding Standstill which is awesome) , then ends with some better, more creative songs (Failstate - In Truth Divided).

The two bonus tracks are the best songs of the lot. They should have replaced two of the songs in the middle of the album (take your pick, Standstill aside most of them wouldn't be hugely missed).

One thing I will note is that they really overdo the boom-boom-boom drumming w/Stanne's growled vocals. It happens on a number of songs. It feels lazy and makes parts of various songs sound identical to each other. I think the drumming is general is pretty average and doesn't add much to the music. Maybe I just don't "get" the genius of this part of the musical arrangement but there you go.

7.5/10 album for me (maybe 8/10 if you include the bonus tracks). It's fine, but missing that special something which makes an album really stand out. Same issue most of DT's albums have had since Fiction. Everything as always is technically solid, but will I remember or listen to the songs on this album very often in the future? I doubt it. I'll throw half the album onto my phone and leave the rest in purgatory with most of WATV and Construct.
Yup, Silence as a force is among the best songs on the album (btw did anybody notice that Arch Enemy rippoff solo :) ). Why is it a bonus track? No idea. The album lacks 2 or 3 faster, catchier songs. I don't find any part of the album offensive or bad, but at some point, I'm not really sure what song am I listening to.

I still haven't listened to it enough to dissect it properly the way it deserves but basically, the only thing that I mind, actually two things - since it's easier to point out the negative bits than to give praise: one - the trend they started on We Are The Void with those silly evil sounding riffs that are neither catchy nor memorable. I don't know who writes those but they should just give up on trying it, when riff progression suddenly goes off key intentionally.

Amen! I thought I was the only one hating on this. Just do the fucking normal, harmonic progression. Nice and simple. I would be OK with the occasional "evil" sounding thingy, but this is just lame. Kills the mood every time. That was my biggest problem with WATV.

And... I like the guitar sound on this one, solos are great, guitarwork is quite interesting, sometimes even progressive. That is all fine and dandy, but take Standstill as an example - Starts with a great keyboard motif. Very catchy and Depeche Mode-like. Now you expect some cool riffing to kick in. Nope, random DT verse stuff happens. Could be any songs from any of the past few albums. Such a missed opportunity.

Really hope for more input from guitar dudes on the next album.

Oh, and Stanne has to be using some DT random song name generator. Unknown, ego, divide, deception, none, time, silence, truth, force... :)

The Silence of None, Truth in Force, Ego Unknown, Deception of Time.... There you go, some ideas for the next album.
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Projector > The Gallery > Fiction > Damage Done > Character > Atoma > The Mind's I > We Are the Void > Construct > Moment > Haven > Skydancer

The "boom-boom-boom" drumming is easily my least favorite thing about modern DT. What a boring playing style. No offense to Jivarp, who I admire greatly.

Excellent production here. I love the way the guitars sound. They make me want to eat mangos. That might just be the cover art, though, which is the best thing about this album.

There are some cool technical flourishes here, like the sliding guitars in the chorus of In Truth Divided.

Is it just me or have Stanne's lyrics just been rote for the past couple of albums? No pointing to Anders Friden for comparison! There's just a lack of, well, lyricism here. It's just kinda dull. Like he's offering his thoughts on a podcast.

Stanne's cleans, paradoxically, got old fast for me.

It's not one of their best, imo, but I'm glad they're still making music.

My favorite cut here is "Remain in the Unknown".
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