I agree about everything you said apart from I do think the title is good, the artwork is awesome and the Track Listing was surprisingly goodI heard harmonised guitar in the clip of the title track, drums sounded KICK ASS as well, even the sampled keyboard stuff sounded hauntingly beautiful, I have faith again after facepalming the album title. Artwork, track titles and now this all point to something very good in store for us...
The only problem i'm having with that harmonised guitar snippet we've heard is that is sounds alot like some of the ones on ASOP. Just listening to that- it could have been taken straight off ASOP and replaced by Drenched in Fear or I'm The Highway.
I'm not complaining- the quality of the one in the video is great, really catchy, maybe i was expecting TOO much of a leap in style from the last album? I'm looking forward to hearing something with heavier riffs and that sweet atmosphere that In Flames' songs create (think of The Quiet Place).
The guitar sound is suprisingly similar to ASOP, but is much more mature and has a heavy undertone to it (which i love, it seems to weave in and out of the keyboards in that 30 second clip). It shouldn't be suprising really. Although Anders' said that Soundtrack to Your Escape and Come Clarity didn't feel like a group effort (Bjorn and Jesper weren't communicating very well and the band wasn't a strong unit) and ASOP was more unified- i also heard that Bjorn wrote much of ASOP himself.
Also, Jesper had no part in the writing of Self Vs Self, it was only Bjorn and Peter who contributed to the collaboration with Pendulum (and of course Anders writing his screamed parts). Perhaps this was due to Jespers on-going personal problems, but the guitars turned out awesome anyway. I guess having one person writing and recording dual guitars isn't always a bad thing!
I applaud you Bjorn!![]()
ASOP's tone wasn't bad but it lacked balls.