Imho Deliver Us is pretty much 100x better than that stupid "waughahgahughua" noise crap from Lunar Strain-Clayman. Godsakes! Grow up guys, learn to appreciate real talent like Justin Beiber who can actually sing with proper clean vocals. [/troll]
noone actutally came here to troll so why you need to spread some bullshit from trolls,mostly because of metalheads being mad at that guy(im not gonna say his name) is why every fucking video on you tube have his name on it.im not going to start subtopic but plsss no more posts about him in future.thank you!
Justin Bieber, whatta gay
Also Jester313 I still disagree, I don't think it makes any sense in that contextbut I guess we'll see when the lyrics get released in a few days!
Heh... atm, I am certainly not a huge fan of the title track-Sounds of a playground fading. Its kinda dull throughout and reminds me too much of ASOP.